A Chance Meeting

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Wheels rattled on the rough ground as the black horse pulled the carriage through the woods. Inside was a lean man in his late twenties or early thirties, sitting by the window and watching the trees and bushes passed by. Most of his face was obscured by the looming shadows except the lower part that showed his pleasant smile. He listened to the noise the horse was making and the chirping sounds of the birds up above, which made his smile wider by the prospect of the nature.

The ride did not take long as they reached the clearing and the man inside could see the house from afar. His smile grew wide, showing his pearly white teeth, but it faltered when he felt something tugged his senses.

The man frowned, seemingly not happy. "Hmm. Who has it, I wonder?"

Mana's and Neah's mother was just finished setting the table up for lunch and Belle had just placed the pitcher filled with water when they heard the knock on the door.

"I'll get it." said Belle, earning a smile and nod from her friend. She then went and opened the door to reveal the man from before who was wearing a dark colored suit. Said man had his hands on top of his black cane with inverted silver crown and orb sat atop in front of man.

Smiling, the man greeted. "Hello Belle. It's a surprised to see you!"

Belle was even more surprised to see the man since her friend did not mention of the man's arrival, but nonetheless she bowed down in respect as she stepped aside to let the man in.

"Lord Campbell." said Belle in which the man gave a nod in acknowledgement and ventured inside.

"Where are Cornelia and the kids? I assume li'l Allen's here, too?" Lord Campbell asked, walking around the living room.

Belle followed him in formally; her hands clasped in front of her and eyes on the floor. "The lady's in the dining area while Young Master and her son are outside. Probably at their meeting spot." replied Belle monotonously.

Lord Campbell chuckled just in time Cornelia appeared. "Oh, Cornelia!" he exclaimed in joy, making a beeline toward the smiling lady at the corner and pulling her in a tight embrace.

"My, Cyrus. Didn't know you're coming. You could've at least told me." Cornelia pulled away from the embrace.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this, too, but I got off the meeting pretty earlier than expected, so I'd thought to pay you a surprised visit."

"The boys will be glad to see you!"

"Yes. Well, I can smell the goodies you prepared for lunch. I would like to call the boys myself." with a nod from the lady, Lord Campbell walked of the house, but left his cane to Belle.

Lord Campbell walked farther from the house; his strides were long and firm as he stomped on the meadow. Ahead of him was a small hill with three boys talking to themselves under the canopy of the apple tree.

"... Everything, Neah...everything." said Allen; his eyes were hardened with absolute defiance and seriousness. His friends were speechless as they took in the look in Allen's eyes and silence engulfed them for awhile before the nature had enough and broke it by wind that gust them as though nudging them to look at the direction where the wind was going. It was their instinct that made them turn to their side and saw the man, Lord Campbell, standing and smiling at them.

Mana and Neah were pulled out of their stupor upon seeing their beloved uncle and they jumped in delight; they tackled the man. Allen took the chance to subtlety hide the stone with his left fist and shoved it back in his pocket before standing up and switching his façade into a happy one. The silver eyed boy then approached the man and greeted him.

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