Chapter 5 - Clouds.

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Adrien blinked a few times to rid of the dryness of his eyes. He had just spent the past hour staring at the ceiling. He couldn't bring himself to pick up Marinette's diary. He just couldn't do it. Not after learning how blind he had been.

Reluctantly, Adrien sat up in his bed, pressing his lips together tightly. His eyes leapt to the diary on the floor, open to a random page. Just by glancing over the neat cursive he could already see the date. February 14. Valentines day. Adrien frowned. That day bears a negative cloud of memories for him. Adrien shook his head, refusing to think about it. He needed to focus on other things at the moment. But he couldn't shake the sinking, heavy feeling that weighed on him. 

Adrien needed music. It was his only escape. His taste wasn't unusual. He liked what everyone else was into. A little bit of everything. But he needed real music. Rock it was. Adrien ran over to his closet, pulling out a large bucket full of records and CDs. He pulled out and old I Prevail album. 

"Perfect," Adrien sighed, staring at the album cover for a moment. He remembered when he first got this album. He had been rebelling against his father at that specific point in his teenage years. He began buying rock music, stuff his father would never approve of and then played it  loud enough to be heard throughout the mansion. Adrien slipped the CD into his stereo and let the tracks play one by one. He hummed along, letting his doubts and worry melt away with the music.

People often told him that they didn't understand how anybody could ever like screamo; that they just always heard screaming and that they couldn't understand a thing. Adrien would always laugh and explain that they didn't need to understand it, but, "You hear the screaming but I hear the meaning."

Marinette used to know exactly what he was talking about. She listened to the same type of music and went to Jagged Stone and Metallica concerts all the time. She just... understood him. Why hadn't he seen that till now? Adrien sighed, drooping his head. He lost the best thing in his life without realizing it.

He stood up and walked over to the window, frowning. The clouds hung low in the sky, thick and dark. Even the music couldn't help the sinking feeling he had in his stomach now. The clouds expressed exactly how he felt.  That made him feel even worse than he already did before. Adrien looked back the stereo, sighing again. Alone by I Prevail was playing. That made him sadder than he already was. He needed to get out.

Adrien slipped on a pair of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, slipped on a pair of docs and took a coat on his way out. The air outside smelled of rain. A storm was on the way. But that didn't stop him. Adrien walked the lonely streets, ignoring the street signs. He wanted to get lost. He wanted to block out his surroundings. Adrien wanted to forget. He didn't want to read the diary any longer. He didn't want to be reminded of her again. He had already learned the truth. What else was there to read anyway. It was a diary -  written by a teenaged girl nonetheless. All that there would be in there would be gossip. So what was the use. No. Something inside him told him that was wrong. Something told him that he needed to keep reading. For Marinette's sake, he had to keep reading.

When Adrien looked up he found himself at the old Dupain-Cheng bakery. The front door was boarded up with a "NO TRESSPASSING" sign, rusted and falling off from the hook, dangling in the wind. Adrien sighed. The Dupain-Cheng bakery used to be so full of light and warmth radiating from the inside. Adrien sighed. All the warmth was gone.

He continued down the sidewalk. To his right was a giant ad saying there was 70% of spray paint. He glanced back at the bakery. That gave him an idea. He went inside, picking up a few cans of red and black spray paint. He paid the 5 euros and then walked back to the old bakery. Adrien shook the can of red paint, popped off the lid and then got to work. Minutes later he stepped back to look at his master piece. 

'NEVER FORGET' was written in bold red letters. Underneath was Ladybug's signature sign. A red circle with five black spots and a black line slashing slanted through the middle. Adrien threw the empty cans into the trash and then walked home. It was time to read more of Marinette's last known words.

Adrien locked the doors to his room and then picked up the diary. It was still open to the Valentines day entry. And something was taped to it. It was a crumpled paper, folded and taped to the page. Adrien pursed his lips. Seemed familiar....

He began to read.


Dear diary,

Today is Valentines day! Ooh I'm so excited! I wonder if anyone will be passing out chocolates! Papa helped me to make special chocolates for all of my friends! Even Adrien!!! I'm so nervous to give him the box... I wonder if he will like them... OH NO. DIARY, WHAT IF HE IS ALLERGIC TO CHOCOLATE!? What if he doesn't accept it!? Oh no... Now I'm really scared to give him the box... Oh! That's my alarm... Its time to go to school. Ill let you know what happens once I get home.'

Adrien stopped there, as there was a separate paragraph for the rest of her day's report. But mainly. He stopped to think. He remembered that Valentines day. He remembered how nervous Marinette was around him - and now seeing what she wrote regarding how nervous and worried she was about giving him the chocolates.... things began to piece together. But he started to read more.

'Ugh... what a day. I gave Alya and Nino their chocolates right when I got to school, and I almost gave Adrien's his when he got to school... but you guessed it! I CHICKENED OUT AGAIN! UGH! Why is it so hard to talk to him! He means everything to me so why cant I just say that to him..? Anyway, the real reason it really, really sucked was because of course there was an akuma. After a while Chat Noir and I beat him... but with some difficulty. And I hope Chat Noir never finds this out... but I HAD TO KISS CHAT NOIR IN ORDER TO BEAT THE AKUMA.' 

Adrien had to stop there. His cheeks were heating up and they began to sting. He kissed not just Marinette... but Marinette as Ladybug that day? How HAD HE NEVER KNOWN!? He continued on. Maybe there was more explanation?

'On a more positive note... I found a poem from Adrien! He dropped it on his way out of class and well... I didn't mean to pry... But I caught glimpse and just began reading. Look at this!' Next was the taped sheet of paper. He flipped it open and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. It was HIS POEM to Ladybug- or.. Marinette. 

'The poem is just so romantic...! I cant tell who he is talking about though. Tikki said it must be me! But I'm not so sure... Oh well. Maybe I will find out in the future! Before I stop writing I will say that I sent a reply to Adrien regardless if the note was about me or not! Here is a picture of it ->'

There was an arrow pointing to the next page. Adrien flipped it over and saw a photo of a heart shaped note with a poem- oh. This was THE poem he received that night. He thought it was Ladybug- and now... He knew it was. The entry ended there... but that wasn't the point. He was glad he continued reading because this was real news. Marinette who was Ladybug liked him. Adrien Agreste. She wrote the poem he held onto for years- wait. Adrien stood up and ran over to his closet, throwing open the door. He pulled out a box of things from his teenaged years and dumped all the papers out, searching till he found what he was looking for. The pink heart shaped poem. Adrien hugged it to his chest. He still got a whiff of pastry coming off the paper. Marinette always smelled that pastries. And that just made him sad. Again.

WOW ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE IVE UPDATED. IM SO SORRY! But hey, here is an update! I'm thinking this will only be a 10-20 part book though. I'm not looking to make this very long... but I hope you all enjoy it while you can! Thank you for all the patience and support! I hope you have a very happy new year!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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