Chapter One

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"Ugh, i could do with a coffee right now" i sigh heavily as i look across the road, through the rain, at the site of the old tea shop. The owners went bankrupt and sold to some chain corner shop about a month ago. The changes are already becoming evident. Soon the place i spent my childhood hanging out in with my friends will be long gone, replaced by some other random, characterless shop. I pull my hood up and step out into the rain. I hurry to close the door before Temptress, mine and mums German Shepard makes it out after me. "Dont want to be drying a wet dog when i get home" i mutter as i make my way down the road to grab another pregnancy test for Amelia. Amelia Penvense, my long time best friend, but a horrid slut. I kick a stone as i walk out, across the road and left, turning to the pharmacy. I hold the door open for Mrs Durem and her guide dog Billy. She smiles as he guides her through and i follow slowly. I walk up to the desk and smile at my ex-boyfriend, Brett, behind the counter. Before you get all weird on me, we were friends before, and there was no reason to not be friends after. I am beyond carrying that he had sex with my best friend while i was waiting for him outside the cinema. No problem there AT all. He smiles sadly back at me and passes over the test. Ugh, he still thinks these are mine. "Thanks Brett" i mutter, blushing bright red as i take the bag. "Ummm its not mine" i stammer out, catching the look of disbelief that flashes across his face, before he turns to serve the next customer. I sigh and shove the test into my bag before stepping out into the rain. "Ugh coffee" i mutter again, looking down the street. A small shop catches my eye. Painted bright red, it hardly blended in with the usual white wash shops and houses. But what really caught my eye was the sign. A book with mug on top. "Coffee it is" i make my way down the road, rain pushing my make up down my face.

I look at myself in the shop window and sigh. "Waterproof my arse" i mutter, wiping it off with my sleeve. I pull the door open and step inside. "Oh wow" i murmur, turning on the spot to try and take everything in. The walls. Lined with books. Book, after book after book, ladders climbing all the way to the ceiling, allowing everyone to reach everywhere. It was my idea of heaven.

"Excuse me!! Excuse me!" A voice calls from behind me. Kinda sounded like Dan Howell. Super attractive. I turn quickly and am faced with a tray. Ugh taller than me people. I look up to see the speakers face and i have to work hard to keep my mouth from dropping open. Longish ruffled black hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes, sharper than the finest needles.

"Hgggg" i murmur, my eyes wide as i resist raking them down his body.

"Umm, what?" God even confused he was hot. Like a cross between Damon Salvatore and...well me. But a male version. He steps to the side and walks past, pulling a book from the case behind me and picking up a hot chocolate. "Can i show you to your table?" He turns to me, smiling.

"I…i don't have one yet" i stammer slightly. He smiles. God damn it , hes hot.

"Actually you do. This is your drink to". My mouth drops open. He laughs, the beautiful musical sound spilling from his lips. "Dont do that, youll catch flies" he balences the tray on one hand and grabs mine with the other, leading me to a small table for one in a back corner. He places the hot chocolate, which i now smell has a hint of vanilla coffee in it, and the book on the table, before pulling out the chair for me. "So I take it you havent been here before?" I shake my head quickly, eyeing up the book. "Well, heres how it works. When you walked in this door, magically.." he winks at me and my cheeks flush pink. "...we found out what youre favourite drink was, and what kind of books you like. So while you drink, that book is yours. Just one rule.." He leans closely into me, and i look up, meeting his eyes.


"You put a mug on that book, youre dead," he jerks back, laughing again as he turns and walks away, my mouth hanging open again. Dang he got the booty.

Hope you liked it!! It would mean loads if you shared this around so i have the motivation to write more <3

PS I've dedicated this to writingmanic321 (I think thats it, im rubbish at remembering!) Because i love her writing and shes awesome

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