who was that

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HEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!NO?OK!! so I have not updated cuz shittt got crazy so yyyeeahh and I hope you all hade a good Christmas or Hanukkah cuz mine could be better but who cares right so moving on its the next day and jack left early again cuz he got bored

PS: jacks a girl and boy but please don't call him transgender cuz that gets on my nerve cuz he is not he is abused for not being a boy so that corrupted her mind


I had a good time walking home cwagy does not live far from school so I desided to walk home as I was walking I see a playground I smile to myself when cwagy was about to enter kinder we were playing in the sandbox he made a cassil and I broke it ha when I got home I walk right through the door I made myself apper cwagy dosent know that if I don't want people to see me I could dissaper as I walk into the kitchen I see mrs Tomson eating a apple "hi mom" I say "ahh sweety why are you early from school you know you will have to show craig that you can make other people see you so people don't look at him weirdly "..........ok.....I will" I say as I go to cwagys bed to sleep


wow I have made a new friend it was the last hour before we leave me and tyler were talking about wandom stoff "hey mini" tyler says "yeah" I reply "you have a baby voice" he says with a giggle my eyes watter up but don't fall "oh" was all I gould get out "don't cry mini I love your baby voice it makes you sound....... cute" he says blushing a bit I smile and bush at the same time


he is so cute he even lives next door to me I'm planning to invite him to mine and my old mans house I was going to ask him but then the bell rings I walk home and that gave me a idea "hey mini how do yo go home" I ask "I can walk home or take the school bus" he says "come on lets walk together" I say as we walk out and start to walk Kelly a good friend of mine comes up to me "heyyyy tyyyyler wacha doing' she says "going home"i say walking away as where walking I see two guys looking at minis butt he sees them looking him down and he grabs my hand out of instink so I grab his when we get to his house and he walks up to his porch I go up behind him and say "can I go inside with you I wanna meet your muder"i say in a funny way "I don't think she will mind" he says smling before he gose to the door I stop him "wait" is all I asy before I run into my house "heya tyler werya going" my dad says "I'm going to y friends house old man" I say as I get flowers form my mothers garden "oh you gotta girlfriend" he says "ew no its for craig" I say as I walk out the door I hear my old man say "I know you lke him" but I shrug it off I hold the beautiful flowers behind my back I see mini "hey wat are you holding behind your back"he says in his cute I think its an accent "oh these are for you" I say as I pull out some orange tullips "I love the cower orange" he says

as he walks in I hear someone in his kitchen "mommy in home and I bought a friend" he says I see a woman come out and see mini "hi love how was your day at school" she says happy he smiles and says "good mommy I made a new fwend his name is tywer" I was skweeling in my insides because of how mini said my name but I goota keep it cool "hello there tyler how was your day at school" she says very happy "it was good ms Tomson" I say " no no no don't call me ms Tomson call me mom" she says "okey mom" I say as she walks away

I cant believe that she wanted me to call her mother as I looked at mini I see him smelling the flowers he walks up to me and says thanks I reply with a nod the he grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to his bedroom when we get there his door has his name written in cursive which I like then the inside of the door there are marks of dates I guess he measures his tallness I chuckle at our height difference I'm taller but not so tall I look over to mini seeing him put the flowers in a vase on his desk and I forgot that I had my book bag and we had homework right when I was going to speak "hey tywer ya wanna do owr homework together" he says with his cute accent "yeah I was about to ask you the same question" I reply I hear him laugh "gwate minds think allick" he says


I was sad that I had to go home but hey I at least did my homework as I was about to leave I turn around hugging mom "good bye mom and good bye crig" I desided to keep the name mini for school I don't want bad people to make friends ha if they do I will not let that happen and they wouldn't know his real name

when I got home my dad asked if I ate I said yeah and said good night I did my night routing good night mini


as I was getting ready for bed my mom came in and gasp oh yeah I forgot to tell her that Tyler got me flowers "oh sweetie who gave you this" she asked me with a smile "tywer" I said she smiled at me "that's nice" she said she then said come in and that confused me a wot then came in a girl with my cloths she smile then ran up to me "CWAGY OH MY GOSH" she screamed as she hugged me back "cwagy its me jack" I was now in pure shock "HOW!?!?!?'' I said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I was to scared that you would think I'm creepy and never talk to me" she said crying "oh no don't cwy I will always be here" I said "ok now since that is settled jack you will got to school with Craig ok" she said "ok" was all she said "good night loves" my mom said "good night mom" me and my sister said to the same time "good night Craig" she said as she feel asleep "good night sis and good night tywer" I said as I closed my eyes


I COULD NOT SLEEP I sigh as I get up and walk to the window and see the moon and stars I decided to go outside in my back yard when I went outside I see something run and it looked like a person





was .....

OMG COONS I have a very tight schedule so this took so long because it took me two days and today at 12:46 am to revise and edit some mistakes who do you think that mystery person was cuz its out of the blue and out of the box well imma sleep cuz I'm tired and there are words that are misspelled for Craig like come on its kinder well imma go



Evan:*walks in and sees jack and delirious fighting* well this includes our under pressure program

I don't like him I love him since kindergartenWhere stories live. Discover now