Miles Apart (Tristan Evans and Bradley Simpson fanfic)

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“This is too much” Alley said with her hands over her mouth as the paper slipped from her grip. As I picked it up I noticed she was blushing.

“Its mental” I said as I re read the paper.

We hope you can both forgive us for our mistakes, so weve decided to take you both on a much needed holiday to Barcelona, Italy. We hope you can forgive us this time and we love you both more than anything.

“I don’t know if I can do it this time alley, I really don’t.” this was too much. This was the last straw for me, our boyfriends were cheaters, and as they say once a cheater always a cheater and in there case they were cheaters. I was shaking my head in disbelief.

“Fuck it Kerry lets just do it! It’s a free holiday I mean if we dump them there atlease we have some free time to look for some hot Italian guys and plus maybe they mean it this time” I couldn’t help but laugh at Alleys positive attitude to this, it happened to her one too many times, being cheated on that is, I didn’t get it though shes a stunning girl, mid blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes and the perfect body, I just never understood why a guy would do it to her.

“I guess your right, we better start packing” I couldn’t help but just agree and go with it I mean anything can happen.

We went into our rooms and decided to play some music while we packed. The note had a time and date on when to leave which was in two times, I’m sure I can get work off alley and I both work at a café and the owner is pretty easy to persuade we can just say it’s a family emergency and shell be fine.

I just hope this little family ‘holiday’ doesn’t turn out too dramatic.

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