Chapter Two.

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The drive didn’t take very long, but once we arrived we were greeted by what im guessing was screaming fans and paparazzi? We got out of the uber and heard a lot of disappointed aws, sorry for the disappointment guys but were not celebrities.

“Are you staying here?” a huge man dressed in all black asked jack, he sounded british

“Yeah why?” jack asked with no interest in the man at all.

“what is the reservation name? we need to make sure no fans are entering this building” the man said again very stern.

“Jack louis” I said to the man, ignoring jacks ignorant laughter. “hes more of a jack dick though” I said under my breath, the man laughed. Im guessing he heard.

“Alright ill check with the hotel and im sure youll be let in in no time.” The man left us, as he left to go inside the whole group of people watched him with hawk eyes. Was Justin beiber staying? Beyonce? Lady gaga? Whoever it was they must had been big.

Soon enough a doorman came to help us with our bags, as we walked past a lot of the girls started screaming.



“ILL HAVE HIM” a girl around our age pointed to jack I happily yelled back

“HAVE HIM” jack looked back at me with a glare and I gave him a wink. Playing around with them wasn’t so bad.

We entered the hotel lobby and it was stunning, marble floors, chandeliers and fancy people, alley and I did not suit this place one bit.

Brads POV:

“Look, girls” Tristan whispered to me over my shoulder as I sat on my phone.

I took a quick glance before looking at my phone when I noticed two males with them.

“They have dudes” I sighed, not interested

“ill change that. Shotgun the brunette by the way” he said slapping my shoulder before heading off somewhere else. Once he left I decided to have a look myself.

There was a brunette girl, good height, nice figure in black ripped jeans and a loose top and chunky boots, definitely tris’s kind of girl. And the other girl, blonde, tall and slim in a tight playsuit and thongs. Very very hot. Yeah all right I could have a swing I guess.

Before I could look away I noticed two guys next to them looking at me with a look a killer would. Awesome boyfriends, just what I wanted to see after wanting some action.  Op and look one just flipped me the bird behind his back. Classic. Pricks.

I decided to head back up to the room, there was no use being down here all I could hear were the fans.

Once the door was finally going to close I heard someone yell “WAIT” I stopped the door and found who it was yelling, the blonde girl. Shit she’s going to kill me for looking at her. She pressed the button 15 before speaking.

“Thanks” she said I could instantly tell she wasn’t from here

“Not from around here?” I said as we went up.

“Clearly your not either, and if I was from this place I wouldn’t be staying at this place” she said looking at her phone. Okay ill just shut up then. She broke the silence. “Sorry that was rude but I just got off a 17 hour flight with my soon to be ex and im just done with everything I just want to sleep”

“Why soon to be ex? If you don’t mind me asking” I couldn’t help but ask

“well hes cheated on me, a lot, and this was his way of saying sorry so I decided to come and basically my bestfriend Kerry and I are going to break up with them and have some fun I guess” she said with a shrug.

“Fair enough” I said laughing

“Okay enough chit chat you have rehearsals to think about” ken my security guard said

“Nice to meet you ahh-”

“alley” she said with a  smile before the door closed.  Alley from floor 15.

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