The concert/ Part 1

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Kurts POV:

I was on my way to the concert. Supposedly it was the big event of the year. It was rare for a world famous superstar to have a concert in Ohio, one of the few places that no one really cared about, or paid attention to. So of course there had to be a bloody war for all the tickets,which meant they were sold out in under a day. I wasn't that keen on going. Blaine had some good songs, but I barely knew the words to the choureses. I could only judge his music by what I heard on the radio,or saw on TV. His face wasn't bad, especially when you could see it everywhere taken from the most mind blowing angles by the most high end cameras, so it wasn't easy to look bad. People were already used to the fact that he was the main topic of all the teenage girls conversations in the whole of America. A few girls in our school were so obsessed with him that they even got his name tatood on their shoulders and committed their lives to wearing only Blaine Anderson merch. It was crazy to think that a single human being could actually have such an influence on so many people that he didn't even know about. I wasn't one of them.

The only problem was that Rachel was sick, so she couldn't make it and I had no idea what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go. Especially with the V.I.P tickets hanging around my neck. The V.I.P's were let in an hour earlier that the others, so that they had time to look around and maybe even meet the two performers. There were only 5 tickets, two of them occupied by me and the other three probably bought by some screaming fangirls. I knew that the whole 'meet and greet' situation would be undeniably awkward. Look at me, I'm probably 2 feet taller than any of the other people there and I'm a boy. A freaking boy. At our school a statement was settled, that only girls and gay people were going. Which made me glad considering I would have a break from all the bullies.

My hand gripped the cars door, flinging it open. I felt a bit self conscious, I didn't have anyone to guide me through this whole situation and I was probably going to be the only dood in there. A signature was promised for Rachel and she had also told me to buy her some custom merchandise, assuring me that I would get paid later. I thew my bag over my shoulder, glanced at my phone to check what time it was and on I went. There was already a long line waiting in front of the stadium. Luckily I didn't have to wait long, I just sprinted along the side of the line, earning myself some unpleasant glares and then showed my pass to the body guard guiding the main entrance. He just nodded and let me pass through.

I came in and looked around to inspect my surroundings. Everything was moving. You couldn't see a single person who wasn't either bossing someone around, talking to someone on the phone organising the stage, or carrying some kind of prop. My eyes got a glimpse of the stage, as I unsurelly moved towards what looked like a VIP lounge. I walked in emidiatelly getting jumped by a girl with a very enthusiastic smile and long blond hair.

"Hello there. I'm Sally! You are?" She grinned from ear to ear taking my hand and firmly squeezing it.

"Uhm, Kurt..Hummel." Her approach almost gave me a heart attack. I was caught off guard, my mind barely keeping up with the girls actions, I tried to force a smile, but it just resembled into me giving her a very shocked stare.

"Nice to meet you Kurt. I see you are a VIP. Mind me giving you a quick tour, or do you just want to sit inside the lounge and wait for Mr. Anderson and Miss. Hartley to arrive, or I could just show you to the toilets if you need to. Maybe I could get you a coffee, or even a massage. DO YOU WANT A MASSAGE? Or mayb-"

"No thank you." I gave out a nervous laugh " No need for massages, coffees of toilets. I'm just fine." I cut her of platting my fingers together.

"Oh,I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just asigned to assure comfort for our clients and maintaine their happiness." She frowned, her eyes suddenly tearing up.

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