Problem/ Part 7

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"What pictures?" Kurt asked, leaning over, just to see proof on Mercedes screen.

"These." She tilted the phone, so the boy could get a better view of the footage. It was an ordinary photo, that someone had posted on Twitter. Except for the fact that it had tons of retweets and the comment section looked like it blew up. The page kept refreshing, as new questions appeared, on who the mystery guy was. It was taken at the stadium after everyone had left. Atleast that's what Kurt thought. Someone had obviously waited for the place to get deserted so she could meet Blaine in person. And there it was, 3 pics of Blaine and Kurt singing, bumping into eachother and awkwardly sitting around on the boxes while they talked. The worst part was, that the picture had traveled and infected all of the apps like, instagram, or tumblr. Etc. The users kept receiving new notes from their audience and their inbox was being spammed with all kinds of scentances. The intruders invading people's accounts wasn't Kurts problem though. He stared at the screen, not knowing how to react. His jaw was wide open and he didn't even realise.

"Great." He spit out, massaging his forehead out of stress.

"Can you please explain why you were singing and talking to a popstar on the stage after the concert had ended?" She asked, wanting to know every excessive detail.

"Not here." He replied, pulling on her sleave, signaling her feet to move and follow his lead.

"Okay, spill." She said, once they were secured behind a locked door.

Kurt hesitated. He knew that this could cause a huge riot and a drama overload, but his venture has gotten Mercedes hooked and so there wasn't denying anything. The story was told and Kurts guilty thoughts of no one finding out vanished, when he ended his nervous speech.

"Wow, Grace seems like a bitch." She finnally gave feedback and Kurt just smiled softly, rolling his eyes.  "How about I tell Santana to pay her a visit?" She asked, wiggling her well groomed eyebrows. There was a spark behind her brown eyes. A power wanting revenge, craving for the sweet sensation of glory once the goal was achieved. It didn't seem like her.

"First of all. It would take a crap load of free breadstix kupons for her to even consider the invite. And if you got her to go, I'd loose my job in seconds." He explained, chuckling at M's obliviousness.

"Oooh, come oon." She whined. "I'll tell her not to straddle her." She joked. Kurt shook his head, still snickering.

"Do whatever you want." He surrendered, raising his hands in defeat. "But if I loose my job, you're getting me another celebrity, which I can tour the world with, while continueslly touching his crotch."

"I'll be careful." She replied, laughing at his conditions.

"Okay, but I'm still freaking out over the photos." He said, sitting down and arching his head back in stress. His fingers tapped against the wooden desk in a slow rhythm.

"Well, it's not really that big of a deal." She reasoned, joining Kurt at the table.

"Yes it is. I don't want people speculating things that could ruin Blaines career. He has a girlfriend, who hates me, and thinks that I'm gonna steal him away or something.  People on tumblr make up all kinds of rumours and really like GAY ships. So, it could evolve into something bad." He explained, sighing harshly at his statement.

"Hey, it's going to be OK. I mean, you have an excuse, you're his stylist. Which is sooo cool by the way." She said, nudging him in the shoulder.

"Yeah, I have an excuse, but that's just gonna make people from our school even more curious. And I don't really want to expose anything." Kurt groaned, realising how stupid the situation was.

"You know you don't have to awnser anyone? Atleast not at our school. And you can ignore the rumours, Blaines manager can deal with that." She encouraged, making Kurt feel a little better.

"You're right, it's not my problem. I'm involved, but I didn't do anything wrong." He rambled about the case, cautiously laughing his worries off.

"Amen. Now get to class white boy. See you in Glee club?" She asked, hugging the smaller male.

"Ofcourse." He replied pulling her closer and releasing her before waving goodbye. They both went their separate ways and essentially arrived in their classrooms.


A new twitter notification.


I have noticed a certain, image traveling around my social medias. A lot of you were curious,  as for who the mystery man was. I have to assure you that it's nothing important. He's just an old friend who happened to be at my concert and so we decided to perform together, just like we did in middle school.

Thank you.

Kurt didn't know how to feel about this. He wanted to be happy that the problem was fixed and that there were no longer going to be any discussions or fights over the topic.

But for some reason, he felt sad. He felt sad that Blaine lied about his identity and his job. Kurt didn't know why it touched him, but it did. Did he want to brag about his position? Or was he just bummed because the raven haired boy decided to keep their partnership a secret.

Then there was  a call.

His screen lit up as a blocked number appeared. He picked up waiting for a voice.



Who is this?

Blaines manager.

Um, okay.

Is this Kurt Hummel?

Yes. Is there a problem?

Why yes there is. Blaine has decided that he no longer wants you as his assistant. A few problems crossed our journey and now there isnt a place for you anymore.

But, I. ....

I'm sorry Mr. Hummel. But we no longer need your service. Thank you for your support. Good day.








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