Wrapped in Red

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"Merry Christmas Eve!" Ivey shouted as she entered the Fisher household who was hosting the Christmas party

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"Merry Christmas Eve!" Ivey shouted as she entered the Fisher household who was hosting the Christmas party. It was the night of the 24th and they'll hopefully be able to stay up until the 25th comes.

"Hey, you look gorgeous!" Carrie greeted her best friend with a hug, then greeting Mark next. "Thanks." She held the cakes the couple had brought for the party.  "Mike's in the living room with his brother."

"Your house is already packed!" Ivey chuckled following the blonde into the kitchen where all the food were neatly set. "Will there be more people to come?"

"I don't know." Carrie shrugged. The party had been going on for a few hours now but the certain someone she was waiting for still hasn't arrived yet. "I think some of Mike's friends have yet to arrive."
"The food looks great, Care, fantastic job you did there." Ivey set their gifts on one corner of the room before following her best friend to the chairs by the counter.

"Oh please, you know damn well that I didn't cook any of those." Carrie rolled her eyes. "There's a reason why my mom is here." She joked earning a laugh.

"Did I hear my name?" Carol interjected in the conversation, sitting herself on the stool beside her daughter.

"Nope. You're probably just hearing things mom."

"Eh, whatever you say." Carole laughed. "I'm going to go get a drink, you two want any?"

"No Carol, I'm fine." Ivey smiled politely.

"I'm good, mom thanks."

"Alright well, if you need me I'll be with Stephen."

Carrie sighed checking her phone for the umpteenth time that night, still no sign of Kelly, no calls or text, she xan feel her mood slowly descending with each passing second.

"Hey Ives!" Mike and Mark entered the kicthen, beers in hand. "Hey babe." He kissed his wife's cheek before sitting beside her. "We're going to set up the bonfire outside in half an hour, Brad suggested we bring the party outside, it'll be more fun."

"Sure, I don't mind." Carrie half-smiled.

"Cool. We'll be outback."

"Come on, I've not been a very good hostess, I've been neglecting my visitors all night." Carrie laughed, pulling her best friend up with her and into the living room, the hope of Kelly actually attending her party diminishing little by little.


"Jason, what the fuck?!" Kelly shrieked, their car almost getting hit by another when Jason tried to beat the red light. "Are you not thinking?!"

"Would you stop breathing down my neck?! One second you were asking me to go as fast as I can and then you lose your mind the minute I do so?" Jason tuts. "Women." 

"Would you just concentrate on driving?" Kelly stopped his rambling, the trait definitely runs in their blood. "Fucking hell."

"Stop talking to me then."

Kelly rolled her eyes at the comment and crossed her arms over her chest, facing the window by her side instead. She let out a deep breath, the events of the day finally catching up to her. She had been in meetings all day discussing for a possible Christmas album for the next year. It wasn't long until she drifted off into sleep.

Jason smiled at the sight of his sister peacefully sleeping, it was rare that Kelly gets a good night sleep so he almost decided not to wake her up and take her home instead, but he knew she'd only give him hell if he did so he started shaking her gently. "Kellbell, we're here."

"Already?" Kelly whined. "Five more minutes please.

Jason chuckled, she still acts like a kid sometimes. "If you're really tired we should just go home."

"No, no I'm up." Kelly forced her eyes open, letting out a huge yawn. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" She asked.

"I'm sure, text me when I need to pick you up, yeah?"

Kelly nodded. "Good night then, and drive safe you lunatic, I'd like to come home to my brother still in one piece!"


"You waiting for someone?" Erin, her other best friend asked.

"Hmm?" Carrie was cut out of her trance when she heard her name being called. "I'm sorry, I was away with the fairies." She giggled.

"You've been staring at the door all night." Ivey laughed. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"What? No, everyone's already here." She smiled. "Just got distracted, that's all."

"So back to this book I'm telling you about."

Oh here we go again. "I need to go the bathroom, I'll be back in a minute." She excused herself from a gossiping group of women, suddenly needing a minute to herself.

She sat herself on top of the counter, her eyes closing momentarily. She didn't know why she wasn't feeling up for the party. She felt exhausted. The loud music and everyone's loud talking voice was getting to her, so she loved the seclusion and quietness the bathroom was providing her.

A couple of minutes had passed and she still didn't feel like going back out though she stood up and faced the mirror, studying all the imperfections in her look. She fixed her hair and retouched her makeup. She still needed to go back out and mingle with her guests. Only a few more hours til midnight anyway.

Carrie frowned at the sudden quietness that greeted her in the living room. There was nobody in sight and for a second she wondered if she was dreaming until she heard a faint sound of guitar playing nearby and a familiar voice singing. God, I really hope I'm not dreaming.

She instantly regretted wearing a short dress with a cutout to the side when she felt the cold wind hit her skin, but all of her thoughts vanished when she saw who owns the familiar voice she was hearing.

Everyone was gathered around the fire, unfazed by the cold temperature, Brad was playing guitar and there she was, standing in the middle singing her heart out and looking beautiful as ever. Kelly is perfect.

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