Chapter 21

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Jade's POV

I went to my real house, the house of my parents. i entered the house and i saw my father going down the stairs

He should welcome me with joy but i cry when i saw him

"Jade" he said and hurriedly walked closer to me and hugged me

"Dad you also know about this" i ask


"I hate you dad!" I saw the answer into his eyes

I knew it! Why do i feel like all of the people know about this whole situation am i being fooled by everyone?! Im so fucking done? Why is that my world had change? From happy to sad?!

I went to the room i used to be staying, the room i used to sleep when im still not independent, the room that formed me into a brave person but now she's gone her heart is so broke


"Dad why does it hurt?" I asked

"I guess you already know"

"Yeah i already know that she fooled me dad, she make me belived that she love me, when the truth is she dont" i said sadly

"Jade, she loves you believe me!" He said

"Is my love not enough? All i want is for her to fight our relationship" i said

"You dont know what you are saying jade, she is doing this for you she just wanted you to be proud of her" i looker at him

"I talked to her about this and i understand her she just wanted to have goodlife that you'll be proud of. Understand her side jade give her the time" he said

Dad kissed my forehead. And i thought this is another battle and another challenge that i need to conquer

I hope this is all a bad dream that tomorrow when i woke it will back to normal.

I wake up in the morning feeling empty i know its her. I sleep while im crying and i woke up and still im crying.

I sat down on my bed and think about it. I dont know anymore what is happening to me! I need clear this up and i need to talk to her

I wore my short and white tshirt

I dont even know what i am going to say to her, if ill just move on or ill still hold on. But for now i just need to talk to her

I went to the hotel and wow this is my hotel did she know this? Tss

I put my shades on and went to the lobby of MY hotel

"Ms do you have a guest named perrie edwards?" I asked to the girl infront of me and she looked at me and scanning me

"Uhm are you from here?" She asked and i raised my eyebrow

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Well Ms. This hotel is very private and we cant just tell you information right away you dont have the rights" she said and smirking

I shrugged and just walk inside but she blocked my way what the fuck

"Move away" i said

"What is happening here?!" That familiar voice! The manager which is my uncle

"Mr Manager this girl is trying to-" the girl stopped

"Uncle who is this woman?" I asked to him

"Oh jadey i missed you how are you honey?" He asked.

"Im good" i said

"By the way jade this is gigi one of the worker and gigi this is jade thirlwall the owner of this hotel" my uncle said and her eyes widened

I smirked

"I dont have the rights huh?" I asked the girl Gigi tss what a name

"Im so sorry miss thirlwall" she said

"Tss i dont want an attitude like yours stop being rude to a customer" i said

"Im sorry" she said and bow her head

"Fine give me the number of perrie edwards she's my girlfriend" i said

"Number 144, 5th floor on the right side." She said and i nod

"Thank you honey change your attitude" i said

I walked to the elevator and i saw my workers and they greet me and i just smiled at them

I went to the hall and im infront of her room

Im about to knock but i looked at the other door when it opened and i saw a guy walking with bag tss and i almost dropped my jaw when i saw who's the guy

"Niall?!" I asked

"Jadeee" im about to hugged him when i heard the familiar giggle of the one that i loved i pushed niall into his room

"Shh" i said and he nod

"Wait is that your girlfriend?!" He asked and i nod

"How dare her!" He said

"But not anymore" i said

You'll get my sweet revenge soon pez.

"Niall i need to go uhm is the room beside pez's room empty?" I asked him

"I think so" he said and i nod

"Okay bye for now." I said

I walked to my family's house and i saw my bag already fixed wow

Im about to go upstairs but our maid talked to me

"Ms jade" she said

"Uhm yes?" I asked

"Ms. Jesy and Ms. Leigh is in the living room waiting for you" she said

"Tell them i dont want to talk to them" i said i cant accept the fact that my friends fooled me

I put my clothes on my bags, i need new place new surroundings to make my plans worked

"jade what are you doing?!" My dad asked

"Packing up i got my own place" i said

"Dont worry dad, im okay i can handle it" i said

"May i know your place?" He asked

" no for now dad" i said

This is it its the start of my sweet revenge by the end of the story i'll assure you all that we will get back together

One week preparation for my sweet revenge is enough. Ive been searched by my friends and family little did they know im just in the room next to pez's room

One fine morning, a cotton shorts and a sando is not bad for my jogging

I went outside to start my plan my oh so good sweet plan

After jogging i went back inside my hotel and i saw pez she's also soaked by her own sweat same as me

She still dont see me and we went to the elevator she bow her head while typing on her phone

I looked at her and smile she is still so beautiful and hot

i clicked the 5th floor and im still looking at her but then she looked at me and her eyes widened and me as a professional i also change my expression from smiling to in shock seeing her

"Jade?!" She asked

"Oh hi pez its odd to see you here" i said while smiling

"What are you doing here" and she looked at me from head to toe.


Thank you for all the birthday greetings :) enjoy xx

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