Chapter 22

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Jade's POV

After a week of hiding i decided to meet jesy and leigh, i told them to meet me in starbucks

"Do you know what i want to do to you all?" I asked "i want to throw you all to the river " i said

"Youre so hard jade" jesy said

"We're just helping" leigh said

"Helping? In what way?" I asked

"So that you can fixed it" jesy said

"Eversince you two become together, i always saw you guys sacrificing and i want you guys to become happy already" leigh said

"You should just understand her jade, we know its also hard for her" jesy said

"Believe it or not, we just know about this the day when her company threw a party"

"Its hard for us to see both of you hurting, i know that you two are hurting right now but you should understand her side, she need to fixed her company."

"Thank you for all your concern, but i just cant let her go"

"What do you mean?" Jesy said

"Ok fine. I'll understand her i'll give her what she want which is she'll fixed her company without my help. But i will never give her up" i said

"You mean you'll never break up with her even tho she'll be married soon?" They asked

I nod as an answer

"Omg youre going to be a fucking mistress?!" Leigh shouted

"No fucking way you'll be a mistress?!" Jesy shouted too

"Are you two done telling the whole world?" I asked. bitch all the people are looking at me and they keep shouting

"Ugh my head is aching because of you tss"  jesy said

"I cant youre so martyr" leigh said "youre stressing my boobs" jesy said and i giggled

"Give her the time jade" leigh said

"No i already have a plan, ill be a mistress i dont want to let her go" i said

"Tssss" they said and holding their head

"What are you gonna do if pez will fall in love to zayn? Its is your sign to let her go?"she asked and i looked at them

"I dont know that will never gonna happen" i said surely

when pez arrived at the starbucks oh yeah i invite her too. why not? hmm. i looked at pez and i furrowed my eyebrows when i saw zayn holding perrie's waist i raised my eyebrow

"oh, no" leigh said

"Jade dont you dare do a scene" jesy reminded me

i smile at them the meaningful smile, first of all i dont remember that i allow someone to flirt with what is mine second they dont have chemistry together and third its a pain in the eye

and on my heart

i stand up and went to them

"Hi babe i miss you" i said and locked my arms to her arms and i smile sweetly

"jade" pez said surprised

"Why" i said and looked at zayn and smirked "i just missed you" and the next thing i do is kissed her at the edge of her lips

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