Keep On Hoping

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Falling in this great divide
The earth, it splits, and my feet on both sides
Oh, my faith is shaky
I got to keep on hoping
Keep on hoping
When it all feels broken
Got to keep your hope alive

X Ambassadors - Hoping

Vera understood what it meant to be tired, like really tired – when in college, she had sometimes stayed up extremely late to study and in Hell's Kitchen she had had maybe too many night adventures that had been stealing her good night sleep. Not so long time ago she had been haunted by terrifying nightmares about her being at court and ever since Matt had left with his creepy ninja master, well.... So she could relate. But sometimes the people coming to MDDC (obviously exhausted) demanded their daily dope just rudely. They were like bears violently woken up from their winter sleep. Sometimes she wanted to yell to their faces that they were not the only ones who felt like shit. But hey, she was the one behind the counter and she was expected to be all smiles and politeness, so she tried.

It was about two months since Matt had left – who was she kidding, it was exactly 54 days, she had been counting, because she was a masochist – and thing were...okay. Not good, definitely not great, but she still had her job, people were attending her lessons, she had enough money to come by and Terri was trying hard to distract her whenever she had a chance. So no matter how much Vera missed Matt, no matter how many nights she spent crying instead of sleeping, scared to death, wondering if he was even still alive, she managed to smile at her customers and do her job.

Some days and some people were just more difficult than others. Like this guy.

Vera had been working in the café long enough to recognize a person with shitty mood a mile away – and in his case, it wasn't even a difficult thing to do, because he was bickering by the time he came in. Wearing an elegant black coat, unbuttoned so Vera could see his undoubtedly very, very expensive suit under it, and an irritated expression, he was on the phone. The grimace didn't suited him – his face was likeable (and who was she shitting again, he was extremely attractive), dark blond hair slightly ruffled, eyes bright blue, but somewhat cold, lips thin line – Vera was sure when he smiled, girls fell to his feet one after another. Too bad he seemed arrogant. Finding his place in the long line, he ended the call, raising his gaze to the ceiling, cursing under his breath.

The man behind him – and Vera didn't realize they belonged together until he noted something which apparently pissed off the blond man even more, judging by the look he shot him – was huge. The businessman's shoulders were broad, sure, but the black man by his side looked like a walking rock. The way he wore himself reminded Vera of Victor – except this guy would put Victor to shame, because he was... like a miniature Hulk. Black man, short haircut, coat obviously too tight. If Vera met him in a back alley, she would freak out and try to run. Yet, his eyes were kind, amused sparks in them as he teased his friend – or boss? He was definitely giving a bodyguard vibe.

Vera finished her tea and returned behind the counter. And of course, after few 'what can I get you?' the two men approached the counter, being her customers. The blond eyed the menu for the first time, expression less irritated and more neutral. Better than nothing. Vera waited shortly before she asked about their order.

"Welcome to MDDC, what can I get you?"

Smile, Vera.

The intense blue eyes flickered to her and returned to the board. She didn't push.

"Hello, I would get one Americano, two sugars, please," said the black man, genuine smile on his own lips. Vera looked at him instead, welcomed by dark warm irises.

Keep On Hoping *Matt Murdock* Daredevil x Arrow x Damned If I Don't codaWhere stories live. Discover now