Chapter 1: The Fallen

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Wow, I'm finally NOT lazy! I actually am writing something I'll finish... MAYBE. ANYWHOOOOOO...


Chara pushed herself (yes, I call HER a girl) up from the ground, the bright golden colors from the flowers beneath her reflecting light in her eyes.

"Please... Is anyone there?"

Chara looked around from where she stood, propped up on her hands. There wasn't much here, except a small hallway, from which there came a sound she recognized...


There was a short silence, then another short series of footsteps came from the same hallways, and a figure leant out of a doorway that she couldn't see.

"Hello?" The figure came closer, into the light. He seemed to be like a goat with paws rather than hooves, but he didn't bear the horns that were usually seen on a goat. He wore a sweater similar to hers.

"Are you okay?" He asked nervously, bending down next to Chara. She began to pull away from him as he did so, eyes wide. This was a monster! Yet, he seemed more curious than hungry as he bent down, reaching his hand out to touch hers curiously. Still, she pulled it away, bending upwards to a sitting position.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Asriel," he explains. "C'mon. My house ought to be better than here."

"And what if I don't trust you?" She'd heard all the stories of monsters under the mountain that ate humans in their lands, and so she had no reason to trust this one.

Asriel paused, then broke into a short laughter. "Oh, you must've heard we EAT you guys! Nah, we're not that mean. Um, not to say anyone is mean around here." He awkwardly tapped his fingers together. "But my house is bound to be safer than here. Come on."

After a moment, she nodded, feeling dazed, and let Asriel lead her on unsteady feet. As they walked, she remained lost in thoughts she would not remember once brought out of herself.

"Here we are." Asriel's words make Chara jump out of her mind and back into reality.

Two other goat-monsters opened the door as Asriel knocked, but Chara was more dazed than spooked. The monster on the right, barely visible for his size and his horns, took a quick look at Chara and disappeared. He had a large form, covered in a cape, and when he turned away Chara spotted the glint of golden-hued armor. Her curiosity grew as he whipped out of sight.

The other, a humble-looking monster with a lavender dress that held a strange marking and crimson eyes like Chara's, glanced at him as he left. After a moment, she bent down to Chara's height, examining her. "Are you alright, child? Are you hurt?" she asked with a worried face.

"Well, uhm," Chara muttered. she was too afraid to speak, too dazed to think, but brought out a foot awkwardly. She blinked at it in surprise when she saw that it was covered in scratches from the fall. How many of these did she have?

"Oh dear!" The monster bent down further to examine her scratches. "Let me help."

As Chara started to pull away, the monster placed a firm yet gentle hand on her foot. "Listen, child. I cannot help you if you do not cooperate."

Chara relaxed.

"Good," The monster said as Chara watched. She raised the hand that wasn't steadying her foot and touched it to her leg. Chara flinched, but paused in wonder as her scratches began to close up. However, now her leg had an odd feeling on it that didn't fade.

"How did you - "

"Magic," she explained. "Humans are made of magic as monsters are, correct?"

"Um, no..." Chara muttered.

"Oh, dear," she sighs. "Well, no matter. Come inside."

As Chara stepped in, the monster began to talk to her. "I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. And you are, my child?"

"Uh... Chara."

"Chara? That is a nice name," the other monster said as he joined them. "I am Asgore." all the monsters stop in front of a door, and Asgore clasped something around Chara's neck. As she looked down, sh realized a heart locket had been placed there.

"We do sincerely hope you enjoyed it here."



As the door swung open, revealing the room to Chara, she realized just how big of a mistake she'd made trusting these monsters.

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