P#1 - How You Meet

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My first Dunkirk Preference! Hope you enjoy! :)


You met Alex through a friend before the war. You had become quite close in only a few weeks and you found it hard not to like him. His charm and compliments always had you blushing. You were heart broken to say the least when he told you he had signed up, but you knew he felt like he had to protect his country. You were proud of him for taking the risk of fighting, and could only hope for him to return.


You were a nurse sent from London to join the others on a Red Cross ship. It was your job to help injured soldiers and made sure that they got home safely. As soon as Tommy had made it onto the boat he had noticed you, instantly feeling nervous. The nerves went away when you handed him a cup of hot tea with a sweet smile. He returned the smile and thanked you. When the ship began to sink, Tommy had been the one to drag you up to the surface, saving your life.


You had met Gibson on the train to France. He had a small break from the war and had travelled straight home. Being English, you could hardly communicate with anyone on the train. You had taken a seat opposite him and he smiled politely, allowing you to return it. You both tried to make small-talk the best you could, but from what you could tell he was sweet and charming towards you.


You were friends with Peter in school. You met after one of his friends pushed him into you on the playground, making you fall. He was quick to help you up and apologise. From that day the two of you were inseparable,  when someone wanted Peter you would be there too, and the other way around. The only time you weren't together was when he went to Dunkirk with his father. He had left a note for you explaining where he was. You were angry that he left you behind, but proud of him for going to help.


You were on another boat on the way to Dunkirk to help soldiers. You were accompanied by your father until your boat began to fill with water, causing it to slowly sink. As soon as you were no longer in the boat, you were cold and exposed. Your father was no where to be seen. Luckily another boat was heading you way, and you soon found yourself being pulled on deck by a young boy. He gave you a blanket to dry yourself off and introduced himself as George. You owed him your life.


You were Peters older sister. You had jumped onto the boat at the last moment as it left the docks. You had some medical training so your father thought it would be a good idea if you came. Not long after picking up a lone soldier, there had been a Spitfire going down towards the water. Your father was quick to make his way towards the crashed plane, ignoring Peters comments. You and Peter had managed to break the glass at the top of the plane which was drowning the pilot. As soon as he was released he was on deck as you retrieved a blanket for him. He thanked you with the only smile he could muster as you examined his face for any sign of pain. You smiled sweetly back.


You and Farrier had know each other before the war had started. You had a strange relationship at the start, you weren't sure if you were a couple of just friends. He clarified your confusion when he asked you to marry him before he left for Dunkirk. You happily accepted and he promised he would make it back to you so you could live your lives together.

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