The Day Later

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I hadn't seen Peter seen we had coffee. That was Saturday, it's now Sunday night.

Maybe Peter didn't notice my Spiderboy comment. Or maybe he did and just didn't want to talk to me about it.

I was lying on my bed, on my phone. I opened my messages and went onto the chat with Peter.

Hey Parker

I carried on scrolling through my Twitter, until a notification from Peter came up.

Hey Stark, I need to talk to you

Okay, should I call you?

No, I'll come round

My dad would not like that. It would have been easier to call me.

There was a knock at my window. I'm sure you could guess who it was.

I opened the window, and let them in. If you didn't guess already, it was Spiderman. Or Peter, same guy.

He pulled his mask off, as I closed the window.

"If my dad finds you here, he'll kill you."

"I'll make this quick. How did you know?"

"Know what?" I knew what he was talking about, this was such a stupid question.

"About me. Spiderman."

"My dad told me. Cause I asked about the Stark internship thing."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

I sat down on the bed. "You've no reason to apologise, we haven't even known each other that long."

He stood for a minute, and then sat down next to me. "I know, it's just -"

He was doing it again. Trailing off halfway through the sentence.


"I feel closer to you than I normally do with people. I trust you more than most."

We sat in silence for a bit. I didn't know how to respond.

"Does Ned know you're Spiderman?"


I nodded, and then we carried on sitting in silence.

"I wanted that to be a date yesterday." Peter muttered, as he looked at me.

"I did too."

He leaned in, I'm guessing to kiss me, but he didn't get to.

The door opened.

"Hey kiddo, Pep-" He paused as he saw Peter. "Peter?"

Peter sat up straight. "Mr Stark, hi. I was just talking to Y/N."


"Yeah, about Spiderman. I sort of let it slip that I knew."

My dad nodded. "Right, okay, anyway ... Pepper says she's going to get takeaway, you want any?"

"Yeah, that'd be great."

Peter was still sitting next to me awkwardly. I don't blame him, this was a weird situation.

"Okay. Peter, nice seeing you. But if you're making surprise visits, leave the door open."

"Will do, Mr Stark."

"Just call me Tony." He walked out the room, leaving the door wide open.

"That's not I imagined this going." Peter said, and laughed.

"Imagined what going?"

He leant in, and kissed me.

I don't know how to describe it, it was just wonderful.

"You're a good kisser Stark."

"You're not so bad yourself Spiderboy."

"Spiderman." He corrected me.

"Would you rather me call you Underoos?" My dad told me that's his nickname for Peter.

"Spiderboy is better." He smiled, and looked down. "I should get going, May will be worrying."

He pulled his mask back onto his head, and headed over to the window. He opened it, and went to climb out, before I stopped him.

"Peter, wait."

"What's wrong?"

I went over to him, and pulled his mask up above his mouth. I kissed him again, and then mumbled, "I at least wanted a goodbye kiss."

"That seems fair." He pulled his mask down again. "See you tomorrow Y/N."

"See you then Spiderboy."

I watched as he swung away, and then closed my window.

So he did like me. Good to know.

I picked my phone up from my bed, and headed downstairs. Now I have to have an awkward encounter with my dad. Wonderful.

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