Jihyo's Pov
I woke up and tried to get up but something held me down I looked and saw Tzuyu still sleeping I smiled and stroked some hair out of her face 'How did I get a beautiful girlfriend' I thought to myself I woke her up it was only two in the morning she rubbed her eyes "Come on" I said I grabbed her hand and brought her downstairs smiling like a idiot me and Chewy just watched the moon rise Chewy actually carried me I was sitting on her shoulders while holding her hands so I wouldn't fall I just blushed she ended up bringing me down so she could make breakfast we finished eating and Tzuyu cooked some breakfast for the other members we watched tv until we fell asleep againNaeyons Pov
All the twice members went downstairs we saw food on the table but didn't see Tzuyu or Jihyo "There cute together" Sana said we turned and saw them asleep Tzuyu had one arm over Jihyo's waist while Jihyo was holding her hand that was over her waist with her left hand we smiled and squealed quietly Momo put a blanket over them to kept them warm since it was cold today we decided that we would go to the mall we left a note for Jihyo and Tzuyu to see we would be gone for six hours and it will take twenty minutes for us to get thereJihyo's Pov
I woke up and went to get up but there was a tight grip at my waist I turned and saw Tzuyu sleeping I smiled Tzuyu fully healed from the tourtue she received and I was glad that she was fine I noticed a note I got out of Chewy's grip and read it I made my way back to Tzuyu who was still sleeping which was weird Tzuyu would have woken up right after me but it was probably form the tourtue she and JungKook received I woke her up "Tzuyu come on go and drink your packet" I said since she hadn't eaten yet she nodded and yawned I fed it to her since she was literally falling asleep I gave her a back hug Tzuyu kept scaring me so much I rolled my eyes at her she stuck her tongue out at me I bite her toungueNo One's Pov
Jihyo licked Tzuyu's bottom lip begging for entry Tzuyu playfully denied her entry Jihyo brought her closer to her and stuck her hand in her shirt squeezing her breast Tzuyu was startled by it Jihyo explored Tzuyu's mouth with her toungue her hands roaming around Tzuyu's body they broke apart for a breather before Jihyo's lips were back on Tzuyu's but it ended there it always ended thereJihyo's Pov
"What do you wanna do?" I asked Tzuyu she just shrugged and closed her eyes while lying on the couch "Are you still tired?" I asked surprised Tzuyu shook her head I rolled my eyes at her she didn't see of course seeTzuyu's Pov
To be honest I don't know what is going on with me I'm tired all the time if this keeps up what am I supposed to do JungKook is felling the exact same way as me but for some reason we are only like this when we are by our boyfriend and girlfriend and I don't know why I was thinking for so long I didn't even realize that Jihyo was trying to get me to talk to her until she actually hit me "Ow" I said "That's what you get for not talking to me" Jihyo said "Sorry" I said "Is something wrong?" Jihyo asked me I shook my head "I can tell something's bothering you Tzuyu" Jihyo said I still can't believe I gave it away that easily "What's the matter Chewy?" Jihyo said she only calls me Chewy when something is urgent or she is worried about me "I don't know" I said "How do you not know" Jihyo asked me "I don't know but me and JungKook are feeling the same way" I said "Felling what way?" Jihyo asked I was about to say something when everything went blackJihyo's Pov
Tzuyu was about to say something but she fainted I caught her "Chewy" I said to try to get her to wake up the same person who kidnapped Tzuyu came "Well looks like it worked" he said I grew mad "What worked?" I asked him "The posion I put in both Vampires blood stream" he said I was mad at that point "I can tell your mad but I didn't bring back up so you can hurt me if you want" he said I knew it was a trap so I didn't do it I just held Tzuyu with all my might I told her to keep weapons just in case she came in front of any Vampire Hunters which she didNayeon's Pov
We saw the same person who kidnapped Tzuyu in our dorms we were confused and mad we went through the back door Jihyo saw us "What happened?" I asked Jihyo "I don't know Tzuyu fainted then he came" Jihyo said "Tzuyu fainted" Momo asked concerned Jihyo nodded "Do you know why" Jeongyeon asked Jihyo nooded again "How did she faint" Dahyun asked "He put posion in Tzuyu and JungKooks blood stream" Jihyo said we were shocked we grew mad "Is it deadly posion?" Mina asked Jihyo shrugged now we have a problem for everything first Tzuyu and JungKook got kidnapped by the same guy got tortured got rescued healed and now have posion in their blood great just greatUnknown Pov
Finally my plan will work I will be able to destroy all Vampires *Knock knock* "Come in" I said "Here is the venom sir" my secutary gave it to me "Thank you" I said "Your welcome sir but why do you need this venom again" my secutary asked me "To kill Vampires that's why I need this" I said he nodded "Good day sir" my secutary said and bowed to me "Good day to you too" I said and watched as he left I pressed a button under my desk and the walls turned reveling the Chou family "Now would you like me to kill your Daughter, Niece, Sister, and friend in front of youse or what" I said they grew mad "You will not harm our daughter she has a friend that protects her" Teo said "Yeah and the real reason why she protects her is because she is a Vampire Hunter" I said they looked at each other then at me "Oh and there dating by the way bye now" I said and laughed as I pressed the button under my desk making them spin again and hiding them from the view of anyoneTeo's Pov
"Now what my sister is dating a Vampire Hunter" Tao my son said his cousin nodded "It will be all right I don't care if she is dating a Hunter and the Hunter is a girl all I care about is my niece being safe with hat Hunter" My sister Charlie said I still don't know why her name starts with a C and everyone else's name starts with a T but maybe her dad wanted her name with a C me and her have the same mother but not the same father anyway we agreed as long has our daughter is safe she can date that girl Vampire HunterLeave a comment down below of who you guys think is the Mystery Person I will not be saying who I right or wrong but I will tell you guys if you guys are close or not anyway Peace Out ☮️

Jitzu Forbidden Love AU
FanficJihyo and Tzuyu were band members, friends, and lovers but the problem that came with their relationship was that Jihyo was a Vampire Hunter while Tzuyu is a Vampire enemy of the Vampire Hunters Jihyo meet Tzuyu while she was out hunting for vampire...