She's gone Pt.2

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Sabrina's P.O.V

Holding her in my arms feels good. I missed it. I'm just not read yet.

"I'll call you later" she says pulling away still smiling. I missed that smile too.

"Okay" I say a go to Rowan who's drinking a smoothie.

"So how'd it go?" She asks teasingly

"Huh?" I ask

"Oh you think I didn't notice? C'mon Sabrina I've been your best friend since the show started I know you more than anyone else well except y/n but thatcs not the point." She says casually wait so she noticed?

"Well she said sorry and that she wanted me back" I said smiling at the thought of me and her.

"And?" She said crossing her arms knowing there's more.

"I'm not ready... but she asked to win my heart back again so thatcs what's gonna happen..." I said.

"Haha and how long is that gonna take?" Rowan laughed

"Uh I don't know I just still need time"

"I understand" she said and I knew who she was refering too.

Y/n's P.O.V

I still have a chance.

I still have a chance

"A chance to what?" My friend Chloe asked.

"Uh nothing..." I said trying to avoid the subject

"C'mon tell me" she said pouting I want to tell her but I don't want to hurt her ever since me and Sabrina broke up she got her hopes up. This isn't a date we were supposed to meet with my other friends here but well they cancelled so i'm stuck with her. Don't get me wrong she's great but my heart already belongs to a certain blue eyed blonde.

"Chloe that last thing I want to do is hurt you" I said sternly

"Oh it's about her isn't it" she said knowing this was about Sabrina.


"You know I thought we were actually going somewhere" she said pissed off and getting up.

"Hey I told you that I love her and I was going to try to win her back. Nobody told you to come to my house almost every day just to be with me. I'm sorry Chloe but I'm in love with her and I'm going to do everything I can to get her back. To me all you are I just a friend we're not even best friends. My best friend is Corey and you know it so if you have a problem with me loving her then fuck off because I don't need you all I need is my best friend and Sabby." I snap angrily at her

"You know what fuck you y/n good luck with your stupid girlfriend" She spat then stormed off. Well one less fake bitch in my life YAY. Now I can focus on what actually matters getting Sabrina back

***********Time skip***********

Sabrina's P.O.V

I'm took a quick shower once I got home. I need to talk to Sarah about what happened today.

"Sar?" I knock on her door.

"It's open" I hear her say and I go in.

"I saw her at the mall today" I say sitting on her bed

"Ooooo spill" she says exitedly

"She wants me back" I say with a small smile tugging at my lips.

"AND?" She asks throwing her hands up in the air.

"I wasn't ready, but she asked if she could win my heart back and just said yes." I say feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Awe that means she's gonna take you out on dates and do all that cheesy stuff. CUTE.!" She practically exclaims making me blush hard.

"OMG you're blushing. You totally want her back" She says teasing me and laughing.

"Shut up" I say blushing a deeper shade of red.

"CUTIES" she exclaims

"She said she's going to call me later" I say happily.

"Awe well I hope you two are happy but if she ever hurtsbyou again i'm going after her. Got it?" she says in a serious tone

"Uh okay... see ya" I say and Race out of there. It's around 7 so I just continue writing music for my third album.

I'm working on new sounds and I have so much inspiration for it. I haven't done anything but write music for the past month and a half... it was my only escape. I'm not going to lie most of the songs are sad and I cried to them. I hear my start ringing and I groan it's probably Rowan. I look at the I.D. called and it's Y/n I never changed her contact name it's still y/n😘🌹💍😍. I smile at it then answer.

"Hey brina" I hear y/n say at the other end.

"Hey y/n" I say smiling.

"What chu been up to since the mall?" she asks god I missed talking to her on the phone.

"Nothing much I just took a short shower talked and started writing more music what have u been doing?" I ask curiosly.

"Eh nothing. Hey I was thinking if you wanted to hang out with me on Saturday it's not a date or anything unless you want it to be. Just you and me watching movies or whatever at my house?" Awe I'm so going I miss spending time with her. I just have to keep in mind this is not a date going to be a date.

"Let's just call it hanging out and sure" I say laughing a bit.

"Okay I'll you 7 brina" she said and I agreed then ended the call. Omfg is this real!?!? I'm gonna 'hang out' with her. Wow. Okay I need to go to sleep now before I'm not able to fall asleep...

A/N: I'm sorry abt the crappy ending I forgot I had to publish this today bc I didn't post yesterday I'll be posting the last part tomorrow.

Words: 974

- out ✌️

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