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Someone has to say it once.

The life many of us are living ,

to please feckless human beings

people who do nothing but harm themselves or others,

imperfect human beings who love to judge but forget that one day they'll be judged to.

This way of living is like a jump in the deep dark sea ; the end for everyone

you'll swim, enjoy it

then panic

and try to escape it

but at the end you're trapped

and way too deep

you'll drawn

that's something I don't want to see!

If you try to please people and do everything to make them think you're awesome you'll be the one who feels trapped and become paranoid.

The worst of all

 You will hate yourself and hate the others too,

because you're thinking what the hell is wrong with me that I can't be enough.

You'll think that doesn't matter what you do it won't change a thing.

Why not just stop everything? It´s useless anyway.

But think otherwise.

Think about yourself in a good way.

Stop that self-pitying.

Think about the things you want to reach.

It could be a good education or maybe accomplishing your biggest dreams,maybe you want to be a good sister or maybe just a better person.

Doesn't matter what you're aiming for.


You want good attention and friends?

Then try to be more open.

Walk to people just talk to them whenever you want and let them see how special you are.

You may think you aren't but you are.

So precious and good but fighting demons is something that makes it harder to believe.

You want happiness?

Then make others happy and you'll feel better too. Just a simple smile can make someone's day,someone's week, month, year and maybe save their live?

Smile's are so important but ignored too much.

Or a little joke, maybe a little nice gesture?

When you notice that others feel better because of you ,that you can give them a spark and this spark will become bigger and bigger and will  spread  around. Just because of you and those little things.

In those moments you will forget everything.Every little or big worry.

do it

be happy

you did something great today and everything will come back to you.

When you'll be sad again and someone notices this person will do the same or even better to you.

And God's mercy is so big, don't you ever forget that.

Every good deed will be rewarded.

And I know there are so many problems in this  wonderful paradox world, but you can make everything better with little things.

And you can make yourself feel better and others with those little things.

We should stop complaining and start working.

You're allowed to have self-pitying days.

Days where you just want to lay around and cry or do nothing.

Days where everything feels wrong but you don't even bother trying to fix it.

We're people. We're still humans with flaws and allowed to be imperfect.


You have to try and never stop.
Never fully give up.
If you did then search for a new aim!
And go after it.

Achieve something.

This world is cruel.

People become more cruel.

But there is still good everywhere.

And there are still people out there who fight to make everything alright.

We're all a bit too self-centred.

Then wonder why so many people have depressions, disorders, suicidal thoughts.

Wonder why there are people who feel utterly alone.

And we judge. Judge so much and become dark.

Our hearts become poisoned more and more with every cruel ,self-centred thing.

Lighten up your heart.

Do good things, love yourself, give people chances and achieve whatever you want to.

We shall not be perfect, we'll never be.

But try to smile on your darkest days.

Try to share your happiness.

Try to stand up after seconds,minutes, hours, days of lazyness and darkness.

So that we can be happy for ourselves.

Happy for others.

Use the gift of life and try to be the best special edition of yourself.

There will always be dark days

Just remember to put the light on,alright?

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