The Daughter of a Korrigan, Chapter Seven

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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"


Sapphire was squealing. "You'll really let me cut your hair? Oh my god! I promise I won't let you down!"

Fay sighed. "Yeah, it's so long. I'm kind of tired of it."

"Oh, it's perfect! You'll look so amazing when we go to the dance! Seth will hardly recognize you!" Sapphire cried.

"That's what I'm hoping," Fay mumbled under her breath, but Sapphire was too excited to pay any attention. It was the afternoon before the Christmas dance, which was all that anyone had talked about for the rest of the week. Somehow, being popular like Sapphire seemed to make you excessively girly, and so she had demanded that Fay look perfect also.

"Okay, let me get started," Sapphire said, and pulled out enormous scissors. Frankly, it made Fay nervous, but she was also hoping for any type of change.

"Hey, Sapphire, will you go somewhere with me tomorrow?" Fay uneasily questioned.

"Sure, where?" she replied, busily cutting.

"The asylum."

"Uh...why?" Sapphire stopped, and looked weirdly at her, so Fay explained everything weird going on, and that she wanted to go see her father's murderer.

"I guess so. But that will be pretty creepy; the guy who killed your dad!" Sapphire replied when she was finished. There was a silence until Sapphire exclaimed, "Ta-dah! I'm done! Do you like it?"

Fay eagerly looked in the mirror. She now had a perfect bob; her ordinarily waist-length hair was now chin-length, and her wavy hair only curled at the bottom. "Uh, it's certainly...different." She couldn't even recognize herself!

"Don't worry - you'll get used to it. Besides, you look great! Everybody will be so surprised."

Fay kept studying herself in the mirror, while Sapphire occupied herself elsewhere, applying her makeup. Fay moved her head from side to side; her head felt so light! She got out a comb - the best thing about getting major haircuts is no more tangles! Fay lightly stroked her hair, amazed to see the comb fall through with no obstacles.

Suddenly, she saw Sapphire in the reflection next to her. Sapphire was intensely staring at her, or rather, her hair, and her skin looked green.

"Are you okay?" Fay worriedly asked her.

"So dizzy..." Sapphire mumbled before she passed out, falling forward. Fay gaped at her friend - what was she going to do now? Water! She needed water to revive her!

Fay placed Sapphire on the bed, and swiftly ran to the bathroom to get a wet paper towel. However, when she came back, Sapphire was already up, staring at the wall, now a sickly shade of pale white.

"Sapphire! What happened?" Fay exclaimed. Sapphire just turned to her, and seemed to become even paler. She had no response; instead, she just stared at Fay.

"What? Sapphire, tell me. What's wrong?" Fay anxiously cried.

"Your hair..." was all that she said. Her eyes were so wide, Fay feared that they might explode.

"Yes, I know, I look different. But you were the one who cut it -"

Sapphire interrupted. "No! I didn't cut it! Look." Fay turned towards her mirror; staring at her was her normal reflection. Her hair was the usual wavy, long, and brown - it was as if the haircut had never happened. Fay stared at herself, her mouth agape, reflecting her friend's.

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