Synopsis: Jugglers follows the story of a multi-tasking, self-sacrificing office secretary who has to juggle several tasks at once for her cold, stoic boss. She is his underling in the office but their roles become somewhat reversed when he ends up moving into her house as a new tenant.
Main Cast:
Choi Daniel as Nam Chi-won, a cold, perfectionist manager in the video department of the YB advertisement firm. He is a self-sacrificing boss who cares little for his colleagues.
Baek Jin-hee as Jwa Yoon-yi, a skilled office secretary who is multi-tasking, flexible, and quick to adapt to any situation. Her role as a secretary to and landlady of Nam Chi-won will lead to their romance.
Kang Hye-jung as Wang Jeong-ae, a mother who works again after spending the last 15 years of her life as a housewife.
Lee Won-keun as Hwang Bo-yul, director of the sports department at YB who was born with brains and money.
Review: A nice light hearted comedy-drama. It's cute. I think I'm a lesbian for her best friend who works in the cafe.
Total No. Of Episodes: 16
Monday-Tuesday Drama
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