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121. Be different

122.people build up walls not to keep others out. but to see who cares enough to break them down.

123.Mabey the wolf is in love with the moon , and each month it cries for a love it will never touch.

124.nichts in der Welt ist unbedeutend

125.Auch ein Unglück hat sein Glück

126.you will never be a 100% ready to change .Don´t wait for the ´perfect´time.It will never come.Start today

127.Unzufriedenheit ist der erste Schritt zum Erfolg

128.you were in a lion fight.just because you didn´t win doesn´t mean you don´t know how to roar

129. An eye ,for an eye,only makes the whole world blind.

130.The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

:)Freu mich über  jeden Vote un jedes Kommentar ,Danke...

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