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1351.It´s funny how someone who was just a stranger  last year, can  mean so much  to you now .It´s terrible  that somone who meant  so much  to you,last year,can be  just a stranger  now.It´s amazing what a year can do.

1352.Nobody is fearless.We all have  something we´re afraid  of losing.

1353.just because you´ve failed  once , doesn´t mean you´re going  to fail at everything.

1354.No one ,absolutely no one ,has the right  to take  someone´s hapiness away.

1355.The journey never ends.

1356.Late night conversations  make  you learn a lot of people.

1357.Google must be a woman  because it knows everything.

1358.All you need is love.

1359.Me a nerd?Haha no.I´m just  making  sure I don´t  end up working at  McDonald´s  with you in the future.

1360.People will stare.Make it worth their while.

1361.Do something  today  that your future  will thank you for.

1362.Chase after your dreams.

1363.Real boyfriend sends a text  to his  girl in the morning and night to let her know she was on his mind  all day long.

1364.Mit nur einen Schwanzwedeln  kann ein Hund  mehr Gefühle  ausdrücken als ein Mensch mit stundenlangen Gerede.

1365.If you think reading is boring  you are  doing it wrong.

1366.I think there´s a difference  between loving  the idea  of  someone  and loving  who they really are.

1367.When a man truly loves  a woman  she becomes his weakness.When  a woman truly loves  a man he becomes  her strength .This is called exchange  of power.

1368.I am thankful for night  that turned  into mornings,friends that turned into  family ,and dreams that turned into reality.

1369.Keep your heels,head and standards high.

1370.We read to know that we are  not alone.

1371.We buy things  we don´t want  with money we don´t have to impress people we don´t like.

1372.Never lie  to someone  who trusts you.Never  trust someone who lies  to you.

1373.When i was  a kid i´ve always  wanted to grow up,and now  I just  wanted to be forever young.

1374.Sometimes it´s  not the butterflies that tell you  you´re  in love ,but the pain.

1375.Life is not perfect ,it never will be.You just have to make  the very  best of it  and you have  to open you heart to what the world can show  you.Sometimes it´s terrifying and sometimes it´s  incredibly  beautiful.And I´ll take both,thanks .

1376.Liebe kommt zu denen,die immer  noch hoffen,obwohl sie entäuscht wurden...zu denen,die immer noch glauben,obwohl sie verraten wurden...zu denen,die  Liebe  brauchen und zu all denen,die immer  noch lieben,obwohl sei verletzt wuden...

1377.Kein Parfüm  der Welt riecht so gut ,wie der Duft von dem Menschen,den du liebst.

1378.Das Geheimnis jeder Liebe besteht darin,die Person immer noch zu wollen,obwohl man sie bereits hat.

1379.Solange dich diese eine Person glücklich macht,sollte es dir egal sein was andere darüber  denken.

1380.Wenn du anfängst deinen eigenen Wert zu erkennen,wird es dir schwerer fallen ,mit Menschen zusammen zu sein,die es nicht  tun.

1381.Auch wenn Geschwister manchmal nerven,ist man doch stolz auf sie und liebt sie von ganzen Herzen.

1382."Müde"ist die  beste Ausrede und die größte Lüge.

1383.Jede Begegnung,die  unsere Seele berührt ,hinterlässt  eine Spur in uns ,die niemals verschwindet.

1384.Everyone  has their own way of drowing out the pain.Some drink,some smoke .Others blast music.I,on the other hand ,read.Because  what  better way to escape  the world then to jump into another one?

1385.Life is like one really long walk.With many turns and  forks .Decisions to make ...Just remember to try  and always  move forward ...

1386.Eat whatever you want,and if anyone  tries to lecture you about your weigth,eat them too.

1387.Most of our problems are because  we act without thinking  or keep thinking  without acting.

1388.Watch your thoughts for they become words,watch your words for they become actions.watch your actions for they become habit.watch you habits for they become character.Watch your character  for it becomes destiny

1389.Never  give up on something you really want .It´s difficult  to wait but more difficult  to regret.

1390.You are born and then you die ,but in between you can do anything you want .It´s  society  that creates rules for us ,but  you can break out of that.

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