Chapter 4

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OMG! Am i really about to see and meet all the Chicago Blackhawks? The Chicago. Blackhawks. This is unreal. My mind goes in shock as we stepp in through the double doors, and my heart stops as John comes up to us and tells us to follow him. We pass a couple doors, and then I start to smell this deadly smell.. Now i know im getting closer to the locker room.

We take a left turn and I see them. The Chicago Blackhawks. Saad, Crawford, Kane, Toews, Keith, Seabrook, Hjalmarsson, Shaw, Sharp, and all the rest. Some half naked, some still in full uniform. Coach Q is just about to talk to them, when he spotts us.

"Hi guys. You're Greg Anderson's kids, right? I've heard about you." Q says with his big, white mustache.

My father and Joel played together on the St. Louis Blues in the 1994-1995 series. (*This is totally fake*)

"Yes, (pointing at the younger one) Anthony, (pointing at the older) Andrew, and me, Angela." I say, As soon as I said my name, I looked at Saad and smiled. We make eye contact.

The whole team widens their eyes at Andrews name. They all stare at Andrew.


Oh noooo.... they realize who i am... not good! NOT GOOD!

CoachQ asks, "On what hockey team do you play, Mr. Anderson? You look very familiar!" "Uhh. Ummm. Uh. Well. I play in the NHL" I slumply say. All their eyes widen even more and they all gasp. "And who do you play for?" Sharp asks. "Um...the L.A. Kings.. please dont kick me out." i say very quickly and quietly. "Why are you here, shouldnt you be playing?" some say. "I was out for 3 weeks with an upper body injury and I'm going back next week." i say. "Let me get finished talking to the team, and then we'll talk." Q says.


"Do you guys have any to say to the team before I talk to you?" Q says. "Lets let Mr. L.A. King go first"

"We'll overall I thought and saw that you played awesome! As being a defenseman, the D was a little slow at first, but when Seabs scored a wrister at the point, that got their momentum up. Awesome job, Crow! You had soo many great saves, and great goal by the way. So Good game by everyone." I say. "Thank you!" They all say.


"Now lets here from you, Angela. How old are you? Who is or are your favorite players? Tell us about your self." Q says.

"Well, i turned 20 yesterday" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" the whole team says. "My favorite players are Saad and Crawford. *i sttart to smile and look at both of them.* I play college hockey and I play as a center like Toews! My NHL crush is deffinatly Brandon saad!" I say. "Ouhhh Saader it looks like you have a little lover!" The injured Shaw says. Brandon then starts to blush.

"Since you are a hockey player your self, tell them how you think they played." So then i tell them how i think they played.

Later, after they shower and everything, Coach Q lets us talk to the players.


Since we got to talk to any of the players, I went right to Kane who was talking to Keith, my second favorite player. i was really scared, nervous, and excited. Am I really 3 feet away from my idols? Im gonna go for it.

I tap Kane on the shoulder, and they both turn around.

"Um hi." I say. "Hey Anthony, right? Whats up?" Kane says. I nod. I'm still in shock. "hi. Hows it going?" Keith asks. "Good. Great game." "Bud, you dont have to be nervous when you talk to us, we're just normal, average humans." Kane says. "No youre not. You're NHL hockey players. There is no normal, average in that. and, plus, you're my idols.." i say. "Thanks, kid! See you around. come talk to us later." Keith says.


Because we get to talk to anyone, I, obvously, talk to Saad, who is luckily talking to Crawford. "Hey, Angela!" they both say. "Hey Corey Saad. Hey Brandon Crawford. I mean, Corey Crawford and Brandon Saad" I accidently say and they laugh. Goddammit, Angela. Really? "So Corey Saad and Brandon Crawford are your favorite players?" "Yes and you have been my favorites since I started liking the hawks!" I quitely say. "Awesome. You play hockey right?" Crawford questions with his small beard he is trying to start to grow because play offs are right around the corner. "Yes, I play as a center in College. And my number is 20!" I mutter. Saad didnt talk alot , he just starred. "And you're 20 right?" Saad asks as he stares at me. I nod. Werent they paying attention to anything i said?

"Ooh, looks like The Manchild might have a crush." Bickell jokingly says as he walks by. We both turn bright red. "Shut up, Bicks." "One of the girls on my hockey team called me The Manchild because i burped really loud right infront of her.." I say as Saad giggles to himself. ANGELA, WHY THE HELL DID YOU SAY THAT TO HIM!!

"You know I am 21, right?" Saad asks. I smile, " Yes, Andd??." "Oh nothing. I was just wondering." He said quickly. "Saader, you're funny!" Crawford states as he puts his arm around Saad. I could tell they were best buds. "Well, I'm gonna leave you two alone. Im gonna go check on the injured Shaw" Corey says. "Corey! Good goal, and good job winning the belt. And can I... nevermind" I say, not so happily

"Hey Angela," Brandon starts,"You're a big fan of us, right? How come you really didn't show it?" "Um because I didnt want to act like those girls that only watch hockey because of the guys. I love the game and I love the players, I just dont want to act like a... y'know.. a puckslut, I guess. Like I dont want to have you guys think that only talk to you or Crawford because I think you're cute or something. Or that I like you.. Which.. nevermind." I say shyly. I lied alittle. I did think he was somewhat cute, but I had no intention of ever telling him that. I would just want to be friends with him, nothing more, nothing less. As i starred into his grayish-greenish eyes and then at his warm, perfect smile, I had second thoughts.

"No no no, I do not think that at all! I believe that fans can act as crazy as they want and we can still like them or be their friends. So by all means, be as much as a fan as you want." Brandon said.


"Okay good. Well I'm gonna get going. Bye, see you around sometime, maybe." She says quietly as I stare into her eyes and her pretty brown hair. She tries to smile at me but i know something is up.

"Wait Angela, tommorrow is our moring skate, wanna come and watch and I'll meet you later? It starts at 9." I say as I wink to her. She smiles and nods as she walks away. I wanna see her again.

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