The Promise

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Desheret Desert, Egypt. 69 BCE

Dremac Retinoric disembowelled Rudek with his sickle sword. "You killed my mother!" He yelled at Rudek. Rudek stood up, clutching his open stomach. "I didn't do shit!"
"Why did you kill her?!"
"Becuase I fucking didn't you bitch!" Dremac pressed his sword against Rudek's neck and forces it farther, eventually decapitating him. He sheathed his sword and dragged Rudek from the sandy dunes of the Desheret Desert. He put him on his camel and went to the Faiyum Oasis. He dropped him into the Oasis. Red spread all around him. "You deserved this." Dremac says silently.

Dremac returned to the home of the Order of Defenders in Alexandria and was greeted with swords and spears towards him. Dremac disarmed himself and lifted his hands showing a sign of surrender.
"You have disgraced this order, Dremac!" Yells Order Leader, Prixxius. Dremac remembered killing Rudek. "I did it because he deserved it!" Dremac yelled back.
"You did it for your own selfish needs! This Order was created to protect Egypt not kill it!"
"He killed my mother!"
"He did not, Dremac! You're a fucking maniac!!"
Dremac didn't respond to his comment and lowered his head.
"Ptolemy chose us because we were worthy to protect Egypt! But you disobeyed your vows!" Enraged, Dremac stood up and ran towards Prixxius. He jumped towards him, hitting him right across the face.Prixxius fell back from the force, nearly killing him. The other Defenders stabbed him one after the other, until they were sure he was dead. They left his body on the outskirts of the Desheret Desert to rot.

Siwa Oasis, Egypt. 69 BCE

Dremac awoke, to painful stings all around his body. Bandages all over his body. "Ugh, where the fuck am I?" He cried out. The door immediately opened and a man walked in. "Hi. I am Heztaphez. Medjay of Siwa. I noticed your badge from the secret Order of Defenders. I have heard what happened to a member who was slaughtered because of betrayal. The Order has been an absolute pain ever since I became Medjay. I want to be a part of your New Order to end them."
"New order?" Dremac became confused.
"Yes, I know you are in deep pain and I want you to finish them off with me."
"No. I don't think that's possible."
Dremac stood up and walked out of the small stone box house. He saw his beaten up horse in a stable getting fixed up. He walked over to the stable master and asked for a different horse to use until then. "Yes, I have one right on the last stall." The stable master pointed to the stall at the end. Dremac walked over to the stall to find an armoured horse, dressed in gold and silver. Dremac took the horse and rode southwest to Dionysias in Faiyum.

Dionysias, Faiyum, Egypt. 69 BCE

Dremac came home to his home when he realized blood was everywhere and his house was torn apart. Dremac dropped everything is ran into the house. Dremac found his wife, Cleon and his child, Khenut, killed. Immediately he knew who this was. " I will kill every last one of the Order, and maybe even the Pharaoh himself. I promise you my wife and child, you shall walk among the field of reeds"

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