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"you are so dead, cooper!"

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"you are so dead, cooper!"

deborah cooper was your average high schooler. straight a student who could do no wrong by day, publisher of scathing articles alongside cousin betty by night. despite her cousin's numerous attempts and warnings to stop her from publishing the article trashing the southside, she had gone along with it. at the time, her thought was, what could possibly go wrong?

now, as a mammoth of a man towered over her, debbie started to deeply regret ever even thinking about writing the article. but there was no turning back now.

"did you come to congratulate me on my world class article, sweet tea?"

The niece of Riverdale's infamous newspaper powerhouse is almost as terrifying as Alice Cooper, only a bit shorter and (somehow) with more snark. Deborah Cooper is one of Riverdale High's resident journalists and the vice president of the welcoming committee. If there's even anything remotely interesting that she believes could grasp Riverdale's attention, you better believe it'll be on the front page of the Blue and Gold's next issue.

That's not all there is to her, though. She was also known as the girl with the freaky parents who went missing in action, leaving her on the front step of her relatives and never looking back. Since then, she seems to be heading down the same path as her aunt, living and breathing in the journalist life and always eager to impress (but never afraid to throw a brick through your window if you cross her.)

Being a part of Riverdale's seemingly perfect family has its perks and has made her cunning, charming, and quick on her toes. After all, dodging the Coopers' head matriarch's constant suspicions and protection has made her know better. Instinctively nice to all and quick to know if you were hiding something, she was like a snake without the venom.

But the first time she saw Sweet Pea, she was instantly intrigued. Not because of how giant he was, but because of the way he carried himself, like a storm of chaos waiting to strike, biding his time. What probably struck her the most was the jacket. A bold green snake surrounded by the words, SOUTHSIDE SERPENTS. Those two words remained in her head like a bad omen of things to come, bringing back memories that she locked away, too afraid to open. Safe to say, she was both curious and afraid, hoping to never see him again, but it seemed like the world had other plans.

Suddenly, the tall, brooding serpent managed to find his way to everything she was involved with. Everywhere she looked, it seemed he was always there. He wasn't exactly as enthusiastic about the situation as her either, but there was no denying he was rather amused. He sparked something in her she never felt before, and she was still unsure whether or not that was a good or bad thing.

But since she's met him, Debbie can't help but start feeling as if she doesn't belong, like something was missing, always itching to go beyond her ultimate fate. Lingering gazes over to the Southside while at Pop's, watching the Serpents cause mayhem around her and wondering, what if? What if she went down the same path as her parents, whose trouble and distrust within their own gang lead them to go as far away as they possibly could, without even thinking about how it could've affected their only daughter? She immediately snaps herself out of it though, and continues with her daily life, but it stays in her head no matter what she does.

The thoughts of abandoning all her hard work to preserve her meticulously perfected image just to destroy it all for a group who she doesn't even know could accept her. After all, she can't just abandon everything her aunt's ever taught her to avoid and run off and join the snakes.

Can she?

— This book is dedicated to my amazing friend, Ella, who is the reason why I didn't scrap this idea the moment I thought of it
— I don't know how often this book will be updated. It could take between a week to even a few months, because I want to publish the best work that I can write
— The book might have some vulgar language and sexual references, because let's be real, swearing and jokes are inevitable between teens and Alice Cooper's a real trashmouth
— There will be some AU-ish moments in the book, but not a lot because I'll be trying to stick to Riverdale's storyline

That's all, folks!

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