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Abdullah ibn Amr reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, asking permission to strive in jihad.  The Prophet said:

"Are your parents alive?"
He said yes. Then the Prophet said:
"Then strive in their service."

Source: Sahih Bukhari 2842📕


A howling wind was blowing like some horror movie opener rustling fiercely with a loud and deafening sound, enough to drown out the chorus of the birds. Under this wind, Aisha and her friends were trying to get away from two men whom they had burgled or stolen a few stuff, some minutes ago.

Their feet slipped outwards on the wet asphalt road as they rounded the corner, the cold and dusty air shocking their throat and lungs as they inhaled deeper, faster.

Behind them, they could hear the baying howls of the dogs and jeering shouts of their enemies. Mud smeared their sweaty faces as sweat dripped from their hairs.

"Hurry up Aisha, they may catch us."! Her friends shouted altogether at Aisha who's still lacking behind as they all had already jumped onto a blocking wall.

"Please God, let me live." Aisha cried aloud, throwing herself forward with even greater abandon. Her lungs and heart were pumping, but the air didn't seem to be enough. Exhausted she slackened her steps causing one of the men to grab her by the arm.

"I got you!"

"No! Let me go"! She yelled out, her entire body trembling. "Let me go.."

"Help"! She shouted to her friends expecting them to come and save her but as she turned to their direction they were no longer there.

An evil laugh was heard from one of the men, the strongest one. "Hahaha, they didn't even bother to come and help you. What kind of friends do you have?"

Aisha didn't reply and contented herself to shot him a death glare but he didn't seem to care that much.

"You're all alone." The strongest man continued evilly.

All alone, ... All alone

Being lonely? That was the thing she couldn't stand.

"You're lying; that's not true, they'll come back and save me"! She yelled, enraged, trying to get away from his grip.

"Hey," The tallest one said, pulling violently her hair. "Watch your mouth stupid."

"Heeeey, guess what, John" He interjected turning to the so-called John. "She looks pretty cute, what if we, you know, try to have some fun"? The tallest one confessed with a dirty look, smacking his ruby lips.

John replied with his raspy voice. "Are you stupid or something? You know we might be thrown in jail for that"? He paused before looking around. The alley they were was very dark and narrow. You could barely see properly. He smacked his lips as he realized that they were only the three of them. He shot a smile at the other and said "Mmm, that's not a bad idea, after all, let's do it quickly."

"No, no, no, please I'm begging you." Aisha started begging as panic was taking over her. But the two men had already thrown her onto the cold and wet floor. They couldn't hear her anymore as they let themselves consumed by lust.

Aisha was slowly moving backwards as she slid across the ground on her butt. Her back hit the wall, she knew right at that moment she couldn't move any further. She was trapped.

As tears streamed down her face, the strongest one grabbed her by the hair. "Come here miss,"

"Please." She pleaded.

"Let me g-"A hand was cupped over Aisha's mouth causing her to shut up. But remaining passive, she bit into his palm causing the last one to break away from her and hit the other one in the stomach.

"Aish, she's just bite me" ! The tallest man grimaced in pain as he let go of her hand and without waiting Aisha has already sprinted forward to cross the road. And there her friends were waiting.

"Hurry up Aisha"! They waved at her, standing from the other side of the road.

They didn't let me alone. She thought to herself, a smile showing on her face. As Aisha started running to cross the road, she didn't see the road sign abruptly indicating red. Rushing into her steps she didn't notice her friends warning her, as she looked up to look at her way, a car appeared out of nowhere and ran over her.

Seconds passed as she lay there, then, she heard voices. People swarmed all over her, trying to help her, she assumed. They wanted to save her. Red liquid was spilling fluently from her body, dripping almost everywhere onto the ground.

"Oh my God, Aisha"! Her friend Imaan screamed in shock as she saw Aisha's lifeless body lying on the ground.

"M-my- ... moth" Her lips moved as if she wanted to say something but ended up closing it. Her face became darker and blood were gradually spilling on the floor, sucking all of her energy.

She breathed heavily and managed to make a clear sentence. "T-tell m-my mom, I'm sorry .." She confessed but  she was barely heard.

She breathed heavily again before her eyes slowly closed.

She felt as if her lungs were slowly filled with water, as if there was just less space in them for the air.

The pain that once burned like fire had faded away to an icy numbness. Black filled the edges of her vision and the only thing she could hear was her own heartbeat. Her breath came in ragged, shallow gasps. She sucked in the air as if it was treacle, why couldn't she breathe?

Why was it so hard?

Dear mom, I'm sorryWhere stories live. Discover now