Chapter 1: Blood and Guts

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Hey guys, so, this is chapter 1 of my new gay Carl Grimes fanfic, I hope you enjoy, even if this isn't More Than Blood.

Ethan's POV

"Shit! Run! We have to go faster!" Mom shouted from the end of the alleyway we had his in to escape the deadheads we had run into.

Unfortunately the alleyway was a dead end.

"Mom! There's nowhere to go! It's a dead end!" I shouted back as I grabbed a pipe off the ground since I had lost my knife because it got stuck in a deadhead's head and I couldn't remove it because we had to run.

"Well, if we can't figure something out we're gonna meet a dead end very soon! Just... climb the fucking walls or something!" She said as she reached the end of the alleyway where I was.

I slid the pipe in my belt so I wouldn't loose it, then started to try and climb the wall of one of the buildings and get to a fire escape. Mom followed me and we very carefully and quickly climbed up to the fire escape.

"Jeez... that was way to close." Mom said as she looked down and saw the swarm of deadheads that had entered the alley we had just climbed out of.

I looked down with her and immediately cursed.

"Mom, we have nowhere to go, we came here to try and find safety, and we found this and lost the other three members of our group along the way, you said Austin would be safe!" I said as I looked over at her.

She looked back at me, pain clearly showing in her eyes.

"I said I thought Austin would be safe, not that I knew it would be safe. I'm sorry about the others, I know you were really close to Anthony, I'm sorry he's gone, but we don't know for sure if he's dead, we may run into him again some time." She responded as tears brimmed her eyes.

I knew that tears were ready to fall out of my eyes as well, but mainly because I felt bad for making her feel bad, she was the leader of our group, but we all decided to come here, it wasn't her fault that the others are missing or dead.

"You don't have to apologize Mom... it's not your fault." I said as I gave her a quick hug. "Now, let's get in this apartment and away from the deadheads down there."

I tried to open the window but it was locked. I got my pipe out of my belt and tried prying the window open with it. After a little bit I finally managed to get it open. Mom and I climbed in the apartment and were greeted by two deadheads. I smashed one in the head with my pipe and Mom stabbed the other with her knife.

"Let's check the rest of this apartment, then we'll stay here for the night and leave in the morning." Mom said.

I nodded quietly and began checking the rooms for anything useful and to make sure there were no more deadheads anywhere in the apartment. When I finished and found nothing useful and no deadheads I went back to the living room and saw mom looking out the window we had climbed through.

"Mom? You ok?" I asked as I walked over to her.

"Yeah... I'm just thinking about the others... William is dead we know that, he sacrificed himself to save Sophie when we first got here, Sophie got grabbed and killed a few hours after William saved her the first time, so she's gone also, but we just got split up from Tony, he's probably still in the city somewhere." She said as she continued staring out the window.

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