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''Hold the bitch still,'' the man in front of me told the two men pinning me to the ground. I was kicking and trying desperently to get free of two men. My attempts of getting free were slim to none. The men were pinning me to the ground because I had been caught trying to steel an amulet from the mens cart. ''Let go of me'' I screamed hoping to draw someones attention.''Be quiet dont make don't make this any harder on yourself, now your going to tell me why you thought you could steel from me little girl,'' the man now standing over me said. The man placed his hand on my thigh, sending chills down my spine'' now now lets say you can keep this amulet if your willing to give me something in return.'' I looked at the man with pure disgust in my eyes and screamed'' you are a vile sinister prick don't touch me.'' The man looked to be about twenty four with dark brown hair, blue eyes and rosy red cheeks if I wasn't pinned to the ground I would call the man handsom. I was out of options so I decided to do the dumbest thing ever. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes and focused my attention to the men holding me down. Both men screamed releasing me I took it as an oppertunity to run I jumped up grabbed the amulet and sprinted off.

I am a specialist someone with magical , or mythycal powers. I have the ability to shape shift into any and everything I wish. I was ten years old when my parents figued out I specialized. I can still see the horror on my moms face no parent wants find out there child has specialized. In the world I live if any one that specializes must be turned in to the athoruties. Some people try and hide but most have forms that you can't hide in society. I was lucky I get to choose my form. My name is Kiera , I have been on the run for two years when I turned fifthteen my parents sent me away before any one found out about my powers.

When I reached the house that ive been staying at I quickly ran inside and locked the door incase those guys decided to follow me. I zipped up the stairs nearly nocking my roomate Brad over.''Slow down why are you in such a hurry.'' Brad said with a the goofest smile on his face. ''Brad im sorry I just need to get to my room. Once I was inside my room I quickly ran to my closet and started packing my bags because it would not be long before the cops come looking for me. I had just used my powers on the men in order to get free. ''Shit,'' I screamed at the top of my lungs. all of a suden some one started knocking on my door. ''Kiera are you ok, why are you screaming do you want to talk.'' Brad said through the other end of the door. I quickly grabbed my bags and all the money I could find. I snatched open my door to see brad standing in front of me. ''Where are you going are you leaving.'' ''Brad listen I have to go dont tell anyone I was here ok.'' ''Why what happend.'' ''I leaving and stop asking questions also can you drive me to the airport.'' ''Ok I'll grab my keys .''

I was waiting in line to buy my ticket when a group of cops aprouched me. ''M'am you are under arest.'' My heart sank to the bottom of my feet this is it they found. All the years of hiding and the law has caught up to me.''Turn around and put your hands behind your back .'' the cop said. I did as he asked and he started to read my mirranda rights.


''Why the fuck are you asking me these questions.'' I screamed at the cop whos been asking me the same questions. ''Im not a fucking specialist.'' I lied. ''You guys got the wrong girl.'' ''I think we got the right girl your going to tell me how you managed to stay hidden this long , your kind is a abomination your a digrace to my kind.'' ''Fuck you,'' I screamed at the cop. He was realy starting to piss me off. Just when I thought things couldent get worse the beater walked in. Incase you dont know a beater is a person who the cops use get the informantion out of you by beating you untill you talk.The man walked up real close to my face. ''Listen hear bitch your going to talk tell us that a specialist so we can rid the world of your kind.'' I looked at the man stareing into his eyes. ''Do I look like a specialist.'' The man stared at me for a long minute. ''Bitch you aint fooling nobody we have proof of you using you power on three inisint men. What the fuck those men are not inisint they were going to rape me if I didnt get away from them I thought to myself. Before I could answer the beater got up and grabbed me and ran his hand along my skin. ''Its such a shame I have to ruin that pretty face of yours ,'' as if on cue he took his fist and slammed into the side of my face. I screamed out in pain knowing if I didn't talk the beater would get more aggressive. Knowing what I had to do I braced myself for another blow. When none came his words came like a slap to the face''since you don't want to talk how about we bring in the'' Before he could finnish I decided to tell the truth ''ok I am a specialist'' I see no point in being beaten senceless mite as well talk without the beating. ''Now was that so hard.'' The two dudes walked out leaveing me alone with my thoughts.

Now what happens do I die or do the put me jail or something I have no idea what happens next. Yes its true they hunt us but knowone knows what happens after that yeah ive heard rumors about it but thats just it their rumors. Someone walked in ''hello miss Blight I know your wondering what will happen to you well your going to find out very soon.'' ''what are you guys going to do with me now.'' The man walked over to me and and pulled out a key and uncuffed my wrist when he finished two officers walked. ''Ma'am please stand up '' I did as told the to dudes walked over to me and grabbed both of my arms and led me to a small cell. ''Are you guys going to make me sleep in here'' the room was small and had a small cot in corner and the dirtiest toliet ever in there. The two officers walked out .

I woke up to the sound of someone screaming when I opened up my eyes I and stood up and found a tray of bread some cheese and water. Even people in prison get better food than this. I pushed the tray over not wanting to eat that shit. Just when I looked two officers were standing outside my cell. The one with blonde hair was unlocking the cell.''Please stand up'' I did and the men led me to the same room from my interagation and some one was waiting inside he was young about twenty with green eyes ,short brown hair and a dimpled smile he stood up when I walked in ''Ms Blight please have a seat '' I sat down '' What is going on whats going to happen to me.'' '' Oh don't look so sad we aren't going to execute oh no what you are is much to important for us by the way what exactly is your powers.'' I looked to him to see if he was joking but he was dead serious. ''That is none of your concern,'' ''oh it is we need to know what you can do'' ''ok i'll show you'' I shapeshifted into him right infront of him. He looked at me amazed ''While thats wonderfull lovely very lovely

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