III. illegal Flirting

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Two Years Later
Angelica Chisai: Age 12

I sat on the table, drawing, or attempting to draw a reindeer for art class. Why did I take art? I should've taken cooking. At least I get cookies.

Looking up, I saw the same man walking in - shaky hands and trembling lips. 

He glanced at me and smiled, basically skipping towards the front register. "H-Hi S-S-Sarah, nice w-weather today, isn't it?" He stuttered at every word. 

Mom smiles, "Welcome back, again, Jordan. The usual?" 

"Yes, please!" 

Roughly half a year after we moved out of Da- ahem Dextor's house to my mom's parent's house, they passed away. They left whatever they had for Mom, but it wasn't much.

Honestly, I never met Grandma Jessie and Grandpa George until we left Dextor's house. But, they were really nice, nicer than Dextor's parents.

Yes, Dextor's parent always buys me nice gifts like a pony, boat, mini car, and fancy stuff. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss the silky clothes, chauffeur, maids, and a large bed.

But I know Grandma Jessie and Grandpa George really did love me despite barely knowing me. I regret being a brat for the first month being there, complaining about everything. But can you blame me? I went from a millionaire's daughter to barely surviving.

I remember when Grandma Jessie would stay up late at night to sew me new clothes out of old fabrics and how Grandpa George would work extra so he could buy me something nice.

When I started loving them, cancer viciously took away Grandma Jessie. A month later, Grandpa George passed due to heartbreak.

It tore Mom apart. I remember when she was sitting on the backyard bench crying for days when they passed away, mumbling how she was a bad daughter for not spending enough time with them.

One lesson I learned from all of this: appreciate what you have before it's gone.

Roughly two weeks after Grandpa George's funeral, we had to move out of their house because mom couldn't make the payments. We moved several towns over to a small one-bedroom apartment, and Mom took a job at a cafe.

A few weeks later, Mom met Jordan. It's obvious Jordan likes my mom. He comes to the cafe for coffee five times a day. Either he likes her, or he loves coffee a bit too much.

"So uh, Sarah, what are you doing tonight?" Jordan asks while scratching his head.

"The usual watching TV with Angelica. What about you? Probably getting ready for a date," she teases.

"No! Nothing, I'm doing nothing!" He screams, causing a few heads to turn.

"What a shame, I think that girl over there likes you," she said while subtly gesturing towards a girl.

That's what mom always does to Jordan. She indirectly turns him down - poor guy.

After several more attempts, Jordan drags his legs towards me, eyes fixated on the hard tile floor. He pulled out the seat in front of me and looked at me with the look of a puppy that had been kicked to the curb.

I release a breath and put my pencil down. "Mom, turn you down again, huh?"

"Yeah," he said, running a hand through his messy hair and handing me the coffee cup.

Jordan works in construction. He says it doesn't pay much, but it's simple, and he is happy doing it.

I pitied him.

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