XXV. Happy

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How dare he look so comfortable!

I'm about to ruin this man's day.

Once I start walking towards Anthony, he stands up.

That's it! He's guilty!

Anthony reaches out for my hand and places a soft kiss on it. "You look beautiful as always, mio cuore."

He's extra sweet right now! He's definitely guilty!

My eyes narrowed as I steadily pulled back my hand. I didn't respond, and we sat inside the booth. While Anthony slides towards me, I slide away from him—a slow but steady action. He didn't force me to sit any closer, like usual, but instead gave me some space.

We order our food and eat silently. After ten minutes, Anthony set down his utensils. "I have a confession."

If he says anything about taking in a mistress, I swear I will shove this steak down his throat. I wanted to order the soup earlier, but the restaurant told me they were out. What kind of restaurant runs out of soup?!

I dab the edge of my lip with a white napkin. "Confess away," my voice is calm and collected. I'm pulling out my inner Maranzano.

He leans to the side, his eyes drilling into mine. I swallow, clenching my thighs together. "While we were apart, an incident happened."

I cross my arms and copy his actions. "Oh?" I feign stupidity.

"I was...in a lot of pain when I escaped the men who attempted to assassinate me," he said, grabbing his wine and taking a sip. His Adam's apple throbbed as the liquid slid down. "When I was resting, I had a dream."

I raise a brow. "What kind of dream?" You filthy, inconsiderate animal.

"You." I refuse to follow Anthony's flow, but the butterflies erupt. He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I couldn't wait to come back to you."

He set down the glass. My lips suck into my mouth as his rough hand held mine. "Esta did something to me that night," the mafia boss actually sounds like a victim. "Something without my consent."

No matter how much I told myself not to believe Anthony's words, my heart was still aching for him. He is either telling the truth or an outstanding actor.

"What did he do?" I whisper.

Anthony leans in closer, his nose almost touching mine. He held my hands tightly. "He violated me."

I couldn't take him seriously, so I pulled my hands back and stood up. "Really? That's what you're going to say? You expect me to believe you!" I shouted, storming out of the restaurant.

Anthony chased after me and grabbed me by the wrist. He pulls my body back, pressing it firmly against his. "Angelica."

"You expect me to believe that the Italian mafia boss got violated by a small boy?" My eyes narrow. "Really, Anthony? Really! Do you even hear yourself? Is that even possible? Next thing you'll tell me, snakes can fly, and Santa Claus doesn't exist."

Anthony's brows crunch as he repeats my line. I stand there, tapping my heel furiously, waiting for his response. "He did violate me," he says, standing by his earlier statement.

I place two hands in the air and back away. "Until you decide to tell me the truth-"

"Mio cuore, I am telling you the truth."

"Oh, sure you are," the sarcasm in my voice firm. I walked towards the elevator, pressed the button, and entered. "I would like to be alone."

"You're upset at me for something that isn't my fault."

Anthony's Angel ✓Where stories live. Discover now