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Thorin felt happy. He and his one had finally reached peace on topics. He'd almost ruined it with the tone he gave to his nephew. But luckily she understood. He wanted to stay near her, he had to. It was normal, very normal, almost too customary for a dwarf to become extremely attached to their one. others put it-clingy. Thorin was very close to her as she walked away. Thorin followed her, closely. Alexia sat by the fire and Thorin sat next to her and instictively put an arm around her.
Alexia felt a heavy weight heave itself onto her shoulders and she look to her right to see the war hardened dwarf pulling her closer.
Thorin didn't know what he was doing, but wanted to test to see if she would allow him to......cuddle her. Thorin hadn't cuddled anyone in a long time. The last time he could remember cuddling anyone, it was when he was comforting his sister after her husband's death. No, wait....Thorin could recall cuddling his nephews a few times. They really had grown thought Thorin as he looked to his nephews. They were looking into the fire, casually, all too casually. Quiet they were. Thorin thought for a moment about why his rambunctious sisters sons were being uncharacteristically quiet. They seemed to be thinking.
"Fili, Kili, what are you two thinking so heavily about?"
Kili smirked at his brother and Thorin could feel irritation start to crawl around his thick skull, just under the skin.
"We just thinking about the preparations, uncle."
Fili casually told him. Thorin narrowed his eyes as a warning at Fili. But Fili glanced at Kili.
"Preparations for what, boys?"
Thorin was probably risking them pulling something, but if they did, they knew better. They should know better.
"Well,we would have to tell mother first, Fili. Don't you think she be so estatic to hear about our new au-"
"Hold it there, brother! Do mean to tell me that uncle, has shown affections for-"
Thorin was not about to let his nephews go on mocking him in front of his one. Well, as soon as he got the plan executed. These things after all take time. And this quest is not for this....but today does have beautiful weather.
"Boys, since you have time to mock me,"
Thorin cocked his head to the side in a punishing manner in which made the boys both flinch. They knew they were in for it.
"Both of you can take first watch for tonight, but until then, you must both watch the ponies."
Thorin made sure to lower the volume in his voice to a menacing growl as he delivered what he thought was a acceptable punishment to his nephews. All while doing so, not noticing his shivering one. Both the boys got up grumbling and left to watch the ponies. Thorin turned to his little one.
"I'm sorry you had to witness that, but my nephews were being inappropriate."
Thorin explained and she nodded. They both went back to looking at the fire, which now had a spit over it and a coldron containing soup. Thorin felt a little shiver run through the body next to him.
"Are you cold....Alexia?"
Thorin remembered her name, but whispered it due to the fact that when she gave him her name she was quite quiet about it.
"Not too cold, just a little chilled is all."
She shivered once more and Thorin rose his brow. Thorin removed his arm, she shivered at the loss, and put his heavy coat around her. It was indeed big and heavy. It weighted her shoulders as Thorin pulled her closer.
"I will keep you warm, my lady."
Alexia not only felt his heat envelope her but her own. Heat rose in her cheeks as blood coursed through them. Her hands and small body no longer were cold, but warm. She looked at him. How considerably gentlemanly. She relaxed against him.
He held eye contact with her and she laid her head on his shoulder as she snuggled close. I suppose you do live up to your title of a prince. She thought whilst she closed her eyes his arms and he pulled her closer. She didn't mind. A comfortable warmth surrounded her, protective, strong arms held her against a powerfully beating chest. Like her father's, she felt safe, comfortable, and lovely here.
Everything was fuzzy, like the way one feels when they are about to fall asleep. Yes, that sounded like a good idea. Sleep.

Thorin happily watched over his girl in his arms. Safe, safe, she will remain safe within his arms. Bombur sauntered over and placed two bowls down by them. Thorin nodded in thanks with a smile, which Bombur happily returned. Bombur looked at the bowls on the ground and then back at the two. Then he crouched down and took a spoon from one bowl and put it into the other and took the second bowl after pouring its contents into the first. Thorin didn't notice the whole thing until he gently moved to wake her up.
Alexia felt gentle nudging and soft caresses. Soon she felt herself fuzzily wake up. She made no move, she did not open her eyes. To anyone, and to the one touching her, she still looked asleep. Alexia heard a soft voice call to her. Smooth and rumbling, humble and soft. Baritone pleasantly reaching her ears. With this voice and these touches, was he trying to awaken her, or put her back to sleep? She knew who it was if course. This was his voice. And his touches.
"Alexia, supper is ready. Can you not smell it?"
Thorin quietly and softly inquired. He slid and arm around her and helped gently pull her up. She let her head rest on his shoulder and hoped he would disturb her any further, though....she did not mind the pleasant tune of his voice.
"Bombur made us food, it would be rude to turn it down now would it?"
She irritably sighed and sat up. He smiled at her irritation and look towards the bowls. Er..... bowl? With two....spoons? Thorin looked towards Bombur to see him cheekily grinning back at him. Thorin's face heated up as he gulped whilst realizing that Bombur was helping.
Her sleepy little voice rang out. So innocent, so sweet.
"Y-yes, Alexia?"
His stutter wasn't too noticable as she was still hazed over from sleep, but he still inwardly scolded himself heavily for sounding like a dwarf whom was just hitting pubirty.
"Why is there only one bowl?"
He gulped.
"They ran out of bowls, I'm afraid."
He'd rarely ever lie, but this was only but a fib. Surely he wasn't doing any harm by this.
"So we'll have to share?"
"Yes, Alexia."
He whispered.
She hummed in response. And his whole being trembled. Thorin almost groaned in aggravation at himself due to the fact that he was only sharing a bowl of stew with a maiden. Not just any maiden, your one. Thorin's eyes fluttered as he inhaled sharply before regaining himself. He picked up the bowl and leaned against the tree trunk. She took to leaning on his shoulder once more. She picked up her spoon and started to feed herself. And he did the same.
Suddenly, his nephews came crashing through the trees.
"Bilbo's been captured by trolls!!"
Alexia's eyes immediately widened and she sprang up along side Thorin.

Thorin could feel his eyes start to sting. His little girl and nephews were about to be eaten by trolls. The company. Everyone. He should've known better. He wouldn't give up, she was still well next to him and the dwarves on the spit seemed to still be squirming. She was next to him, thank Mahal. His nephews were here as well. Thorin started gnawing at the rope the best he could.
"Hehehe, first time you've been caught by a troll?"
She chuckled as the breath hit his ear. He gasped and stopped biting the stringy rope. It fell out of his mouth.
"You're pretty joyous for someone who's friends are about to be consumed by murderous trolls."
Thorin spoke lowly, and she chuckled in response.
"Something good will happen."
She said and Thorin scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"You mean to tell me that your Hobbit is going to save us?"
Alexia narrowed her eyes at him.
"First off, he's not my Hobbit and second off, I resent your tone."
There was a moment of silence between them.
"Besides, you may think that Bilbo isn't good at this but, he's good at stalling."
Just then, Bilbo popped up and started talking. At first Thorin growled at the little halfling but soon found what he was up to. Kicking his nephew to agree, Kili started yelling.
Just then, Alexia turned to Thorin.
"You think he's compensating for something?"
Thorin snorted, but quickly silenced himself as to not draw attention. He was still smiling, a closed lip smile, but a broad one none the less. It faded quickly.
"Now is not the time to jest, Alexia. Our friends lives are at stake."
Said Thorin in the most serious, stern, leader like voice he could manage for the moment. He had to hold back the urdge to laugh even as his lips trembled with mirth.
"Your nephew's ego has been at stake!"
Thorin smirked widely at her as she beamed at him. It was true. Kili always over talked himself. Poor lad should stop disappointing the lasses he brings home. Soon enough, no girl will have him if he keeps lying.
"Are you sure about Kili, though?"
Alexia quickly whispered and Thorin chuckled so darkly and heavily that it sounded as if he was almost coughing.
Once the trolls were taken care of, the dwarves we're helped off the spit. Thorin came to her and checked her.
"I'm fine, you sappy weirdo."
She chuckled and Thorin chuffed in response.
"You might feel fine, but you still might have unfelt injuries."
Alexia smiled in fondness if the dwarf before noticing he stopped. He stared at her arm.
"What? What is it?"
She inquired. He flashed her a concerned glance.
"How long has this been here?"
She looked over to see he was referring to the scar on her arm.
"Oh? That? That was just a scratch from a rabbit, believe it or not."
She giggled lightly remembering the fierce little creature that did not resemble a little fluffy companion whatsoever.
"I suppose that even little defenseless creatures can deal damage that may last over years and scar you, either skin or mentally."
Alexia gave him a smile only to see the dwarf trembling. His eyes were here slits of anger point straight at her arm.
"How dare you lie to me."
His low tone caught her off guard. It was like and harsh. Harsher than she'd ever heard before. And darker.
"Do I look daft enough to believe that!? Honestly!! I thought we'd come to a point where we trust each other enough to not lie about such a petty thing such as a scratch!"
Thorin was seething as he spit his acidic venom. He thrashed her arm and let her go. She stood there astounded. But why? Why would she lie about this?! It's a scratch!! Wait? Why was he getting so mad? Over something as little as this? She stared at him wide eyed until he had the same astonished look she had,
"Why do you get so easily angered around me?"
Her eyes narrowed to slits and she stepped back, obviously offended. He took a careful step forward.
"Alexia.....I just.....I...don't exactly know.....I don't mean to constantly be rude with you, it's just the weight of the journey. Perhaps......we shouldn't befriend one another yet and hold off on this."
Alexia rolled her eyes and sighed, but nodded. He almost breathed out in relief......until she angrily stomped towards the hobbit. Immediately clinging to him. Thorin just about seethed. He wanted to have an established friendship with her but he wanted to wait for a safe point in the journey to continue doing so. This was his fault. He needed to plan further on this, and perhaps a little harder than he thought. But the journey came first. He could wait. For now.

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