Prologue: Part One

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    Our Side..

    60 years before the Battle of Fae and Humanity.

        The demon warlock Qwan looked down at the scroll. The writings of the Animalia were a valuable thing. Especially since they had all disappeared ten years before. They were thought to be extinct. But that theory made no since, as two weeks before they all went poof, Qwan himself had had one of their preist in his house.
       He had been perfectly fine. Besides if that theory were true, then where were the bodies. No entire species went extinct without a trace or cause. No they went somewhere. Where he couldn't fathom, but he would figure it out. He had to, they could help soothe the humans, because war was becoming a serious threath right about now.

   Follow the path of the moonbeam,
  And you'll find the Neko queen.
Seak out the Silver Wolf,
And make it through blind man's bluff.
Man mountain, elf of Christmas berries and son of Fowl,
  Find his howl.
   Then you'll get a clue,
As of what to do.

        Twenty years later.

       Qwan sat down with a sigh. He was exhausted. Trying to keep the peace between the humans and the fae was getting harder. It was apparent, war would becomeing.  Qwan stared at the papers on his desk. The other demon warlocks had agreed. They should follow the Animalias example and get the troll dung out.
       The planning to start building the portal would begin the next week. The scrolls Animalia had left behind, while cryptic, were full of useful information. It was about time to put it to use.


   Golden wings,
   Amongst other things.
   Will free the People of Shyier,
  From the Tyrannial Empire.
  The race against time,
  To save the world from a mass genocide.


Ten years earlier.

Qwan sat down with a groan. A bull troll had gotten lose around the humans and the clean up had taken all day. He was tired. In a moment of tired remembrance he looked up at the scroll that sat innocently on his table. He had been trying to figure it out for ten years now. No luck.
     Suddenly he jerked as a tired thought came to mind. What if Shyier wasn't a person it was a place? What if they had crafted their own world and went there?
     For a moment he dismissed it as a tired stray thought. But then he began to wonder. Standing he picked up the scroll and sat down. If Shyier was a place then the spells would mean something. It wasn't nonesense. He grinned.


   The Avianius Princess,
   Is missing from her families nests.
Her Father ill and mother down,
Her cousin shall steal the crown.
The first order of business is to capture the other royalty,
   And not for a cup of tea.
   A mass genocide,
  The problems not only effects their side.

     The intelligent  Son of Fowl,
   Shall listen to the cries and howl.
    The first through to the other world,
His black wings finally unfurled.
  His friends that come along,
   Shall join in the mass throng.
   As the people of Shyier,
   Try to find the princess's buyer.

  Time is running out,
  The group joins the rebellion at the pig's snout.
    From there it's anyone's guess,
   Because Artemis has passed the final test.
Bonded to the golden girl,



   Two hours Ago, present.

   N°1 was busy working. Well working was a generous term. It was more like playing with fire then anything. He was practicing magic. He had been reading up on the spell used to create Hybris and had figured out what went wrong and why it collapsed on it's self.
      The spell hadn't been translated correctly. It had been Hyte ( Hot-ie) not Hyti ( Hot-ye). Explaining it to Qwan had been fun. Especially since he was given permission from the council, council council funny word councillll, to try and open it up. Maybe they could reestablish a connection between the Animalia and the Fae.
     Well he managed to open it up, the only problem was, nobody could see through. And they really didn't want to send someone into an active volcano. So they decided to call in someone who could help. A certain fourteen year old mudboy by the name of Artemis Fowl the Second.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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