chapter 19

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Chapter 19

We headed down to the lobby and see the guys there. Are you lovers ready jack g asked yes we are Cameron said laughing. Hey have you guys seen my best friend anywhere? I asked no why said taylor. Well im sure shes ok ill just text her. I leave her a text saying if she was ok and where I was going to be at. We leave the hotel and start to walk up the street. We arrive at the party the party was at a big ass beach house. Hey taylor who lives here I asked some girl I met at the beach yesterday I forgot her name so I really don’t know. We head inside it was crazy there was so many people there. Well see you guys later. all the guys ran off. Do you want a drink babe? Cam asked yea thanks he hands me one. After a few drinks I was a little dizzy so I went to the back yard to get some fresh air. Hey Erika I heard someone say I turned around it was matthew. Oh hey matt. Are you ok Erika? yea im fine just a little dizzy that’s all. So whats up matt, oh nothing I just wanted to see if you were ok, oh that’s very nice of you matt most guys would of tried to sleep with me if they knew I was this drunk, wait what? Im just fucking with you matt haha. We both laugh, so have you seen Cameron, I saw him leave earlier I think he went back to the hotel, well I should go then if he left so ill see you at the hotel bye. I take a cab back to the hotel as im walking inside the hotel I check my phone still no text from gissel. As im walking down the hallway to my room I could hear someone having sex like I could hear the screams and moans they were loud as fuck. I could hear the screams louder and louder as I walk closer to my room. I then realize that those screams were coming from my room. I open the door and there I see my boyfriend cameron and his Ex kate having sex on the bed me and Cameron have sex on. WHAT THE FUCK!? Is going on here I say as I pull kate off of Cameron. I pulled kate by her hair, what the fuck she said, you fucking bitch wtf are you doing with my boyfriend, I punch her in the face and she falls down, all the guys hear me yelling so they ran to the room and saw what happen, Cameron gets up babe I can explain. Ok Cameron explain I say as my eyes fill with tears I cant believe you would do this to me here you son of a bitch heres your necklace back I throw the necklace it hits his face. I run out the room crying I take the stairs I stop and sit down on the steps and start to cry even more. I hear someone coming I look up and its matthew. Erika? He said can you just sit with me and hold me I said. Matt sits down next to me and holds me tight, Erika do you want to go to my room and sleep im on the 5th floor, yea and thanks matt. We go up to the 5th floor and go to his room. Well here we are, we go inside do you want some clothes to change into he asked yea sure. He hands me one of his t-shirts and one of his sweats, I start to take my clothes off in front of him, you don’t mind do you matt? Oh no go ahead. I change and sit on the bed matt comes and sits with me, are you ok Erika? Yea im fine im just……… heart broken I say as I look down, Erika you don’t deserve what he did to you and especially to a really beautiful girl. Oh stop matt I say laughing, well you are Erika he said as he came closer to me. He came close enough that our lips touched and we started kissing, I wanted to stop but I just couldn’t his lips felt so good, I finally stopped and pushed him away, matt stop this isn’t fair to Cameron, but Erika I really like you from the first moment I saw you and Cameron just cheated on you and you say it isn’t fair to him. Matt you don’t understand I still love him I just… I don’t know. I just need some sleep okay matt, ok Erika, I get into bed matt gets into, matt can you hold me? Matt wraps his arms around me and I fall asleep in his arms.

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