"you do!" Portia exclaimed. "yeah totally. You guys would be the best family I never had" I said hugging them. "well then welcome to your new home little guy." Ellen said ruffling my hair. "hey its late we should head to bed but we can talk tomorrow ok." Portia said taking my hand and leading me up a sort of spiral stair case. " James until we can sort you out a proper room is it ok you sleep in one of the guest bedrooms? There is on just opposite our room that is huge and has a double bed. If you want it." both Ellen and Portia said as we reached two doors opposite each other. "sure ok that's cool. I have never had my own room before so this is gonna be awesome." I said opening the door to my room and throwing my little rucksack on my bed. After Portia and Ellen went to bed I decided to put some pj's on and go to bed my self. The next morning I was awake before both the adults so I decided to take my journal out my rucksack and work on one of the songs I had been writing. When I was halfway thought singing the chorus I had just written I turned around from facing the wall to find Portia sat on my bed smiling up at me. "good morning. I didn't hear you come in. you should have said something." I said pausing to breath and shake of the embarrassment of singing in front of one of my new mom's. "good morning. May I say you have a lovely voice. But may I also ask what song that was because I don't think I have herd that before?" she asked standing up and running her fingers through my messy hair. " it was one I wrote awhile ago when I was in my first orphanage. And thanks for the compliment but I have a terrible voice so I'm sorry if I woke you up." I said hugging her. "you didn't wake me up Ellen did when she was getting ready for work. I was just getting in the shower when I herd you singing. I decided to come see what you were doing and also get a better listen to your voice. But its ok I haven't been here long." Portia reassured me while also ignoring my comment on how I thought my voice was.
chapter 4 guys hope you like it
and until the next chapter stay strong and keep reading
the story of James Ellis Degeneres-Derossi
General Fictionthis is James an orphan boy who is adopted by two of the nicest people in the world. read on to find out who they are. btw for those of you who know who kirito is this is how I imagined James to be but with brown eyes and without the weapons and lo...