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31. Duct tape your folder together so your papers don't fall out

32. Duct tape your teachers to the chair so they can't teach you things

33. Use duct tape to kidnap One Direction

34. Use duct tape to return One Direction ( @unluckynumber13 came up with that one)

35. Duct tape your friends to the computer screen so they read this book

36. Duct tape your friends to a chair and sing Frozen song until they build a snowman with you (again, @unluckynumber13 's)

37. Duct tape the snowman you forced your friend to make with colorful duct tape

38. Use duct tape to decorate your room

39. Duct tape your lunch box so your food doesn't fall out

40. Duct tape your friends to the wall so they can't eat your bacon

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