Chapter 2 Jason

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Lyaness's POV or Lya Brooks
Her outfit above
I hear my phone buzz so I go over to it

Lyaness's POV or Lya BrooksHer outfit above _______________________________________I hear my phone buzz so I go over to it

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Her phone case


U=hey listen very closely you need to get out of your house other wise you could get killed run into the forest and bring your sister

M=who is this

U=my name is Jason your mom sent me I'll explain every thing once you get to me and run as far as you can we can come back for your clothes and stuff

M=oh k?

Should I trust him I don't know I guess we will find out.
I went to my little sisters room.
"We need to leave now ok" I said.
"Ok" Phenix says.
I put on her coat and boots and I put on my coat and boots and I grabbed my phone and purse along with a gun and spare money we ran out the back door.

Once we reached the forest I picked her up and started sprinting Then I bumped into some one he then grabbed my had as I tryed to runhe said "it's ok it is Jason I will get you safe

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Once we reached the forest I picked her up and started sprinting
Then I bumped into some one he then grabbed my had as I tryed to run
he said "it's ok it is Jason I will get you safe."
I slowed down my breathing as soon as we got into the car my sister falls asleep on my lap and I fall asleep on the seat of the car. I woke up as soon as the car stoped I grabbed my sister and my bags and opened the car door as soon as I did I saw a huge mansion

It was so pretty once Jason came out he said "pretty cool right" "ya, the last time I saw a mansion this big It was at my grandparents house when I was 13" I said"Well I don't know much about you other then your mother wanted to be in the gang for...

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It was so pretty once Jason came out he said "pretty cool right"
"ya, the last time I saw a mansion this big It was at my grandparents house when I was 13" I said
"Well I don't know much about you other then your mother wanted to be in the gang for the money and your grandparents are the leaders and need you" he said so calmly
"WHAT my Grandparents are gang leaders!!!" I said shocked he looked at me and started to back away "I shouldn't have said anything" he said quietly as we opened the door I saw my grandma and grandpa "GRANDMA GRANDPA" I say excitedly while hugging them "why are they here Jason" says my grandma worried "let's talk in privite I haven't told her yet so we will be right back ok. Lillith will show you two to your room ok."

I really wanted to know but I will probably know soon

I saw a beautiful woman I guess she is Lillith.

"Hi I am Lillith you must be Lya I've heard so much about you and this little one must be Phenix

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"Hi I am Lillith you must be Lya I've heard so much about you and this little one must be Phenix." She said loudly
Phe Phe started to wake over my shoulder
"Yes are me and her sharing a room and when can we go to our room" I say quietly while patting Phe Phe's back but she didn't wake up.

"We can go right now and you two are not sharing a room but your rooms are next to each other and there is a secret passage to get to each of your rooms." She says while motionong for me to fallow her.
She showed us to our rooms first to Phes room

Before we went to my room I layed PhePhe on her bed and tucked her in then I turned out the lights and cracked the door closed we went to my door and opened it

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Before we went to my room I layed PhePhe on her bed and tucked her in then I turned out the lights and cracked the door closed we went to my door and opened it.

Before we went to my room I layed PhePhe on her bed and tucked her in then I turned out the lights and cracked the door closed we went to my door and opened it

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It was beautiful I loved I went into the closet.

Then I went to the bathroom and it was so pretty I knew my grandparents were rich but not this rich

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Then I went to the bathroom and it was so pretty I knew my grandparents were rich but not this rich.

Lillith left when someone called her down stairs so I decided to go to bed I laid down without changing and fell asleep

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Lillith left when someone called her down stairs so I decided to go to bed I laid down without changing and fell asleep.
Hope you guys liked this chapter took all day so love ya.
655 words I am proud.

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