Chapter 3 PhePhe? part 1

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So that is what she looks like again and sorry for the long wait need very busy like such as school.
Lya's POV
When I woke up I realized that it was still dark out. U then looked at the alarm clock and saw the time it was 6 am. I went down stairs and started making breakfast.

After breakfast I looked at the time it was 7 am I made a ton for me phephe and Jason along with my grandparents.

After a few minutes I was going to go upstairs to wake up Phe Phe but the 2 guys and 5 girls came running in to the kitchen and I grabed a knife and a pan and said "stay the fuck back or els" a blond guy with ocean blue eyes said " wow wow slow down were noy going to hurt you but what are you doing in our kitchen and who are you." He paused for a minute and the yelled "Jason" and we heard 4 feet running down the stairs and we say heard Jason say "phephe stay here."

I looked at him confused and said "first of all phe phe come here and seccond of all who are these people. Care to explain what is going on." Phe Phe ran to meal and He then said "Lya these are members of the gang your grandparents are in and they only supervise the gang now because they don't want the gang so they gave it to a strong man they trust so these are his friends and he should be here soon ok so Blondie over there with the ocean eyes is Jakie."

"Thats AJ"

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"Thats AJ"

"that's kitty"

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"that's kitty"

"that's kitty"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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