Chapter 19

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"That's strange", Minho says.

"What", I ask.

"Seven is not supposed to be open for another week", Minho replies.

We slowly walk along the path, before Thomas speaks.

"What the hell is this place", Thomas asks.

"We call them blades", Minho replies.

We slowly walk through the blades, when I notice something lying on the ground ahead of us.

I jog ahead of them, looking down at the stuff. "Clothes", I say. "Looks like Ben's..."

They jog over to me, and Minho looks at the clothes.

"They are his...", Minho sighs. "A Griever must have pulled him down here..."

I hear the device start making some weird noises, making me reach into Minho's backpack and take it out.

I look down at it, before I slowly start to walk back and forth, looking down at it.

"I think it's showing us the way", I say.

We start to follow it, letting the beeping guide us.

"Wait, wait, wait", I say, after a few minutes of us following it.

"What, what", Thomas asks, looking at me.

It starts to beep rapidly, after a turn a little bit.

"This way. Come on", I say.

We slowly continue walking, when we come across a dark corridor of some sort.

It leads into a bridge type of room, and down the sides, if you fell, you would immediately die.

The beeping intensifies, as we walk along the weird bridge.

"Minho, you ever see this place before", Thomas asks.


At the end of the bridge, is a metal door of some sort.

As we approach the end of the bridge, the beeping accelerates.

"Ah.... It's just another dead end", Minho sighs.

The beeping stops, making me look down at the device.

I watch it carefully, before the red seven turns into a green seven and the light turns from red to green.

The doors gears behind us start to shift, making me jump, surprised.

I turn around to see the door slowly opening.

I look up to see a bunch of different doors opening, and at the end, is a weird spiral door.

It almost looks like a vault door or.... an exit.

It slowly opens, making me cock my head to the side.

"Are you sure about this", Minho asks us.

"Nope", We reply, in unison, before we slowly start to approach it.

I look up the shafts where the walls came down from, before we approach the hole.

I look through it, not being able to see a single thing.

Minho slowly runs his hand along the sticky substance around the sides, before looking at us.


From the corner of my eye, I see a red light at the end of the hole, and it sends out red lights along the walls.

I hear a strange alarm type sound go off, making me let out a shaky breath.

"What the hell was that", Minho asks us.

An alarm starts to beep, making us jump.

"Oh, shit..."

The gears in the walls start to turn, making Thomas speak.

"We gotta get out of here..."

"Give me the key! Give me the key", Minho says.

I toss him the device, and he catches it, tucking it safely in his backpack, before we start to run out of the long corridor.

"Move, move", Thomas yells, as all the walls close behind us.

We all pick up the pace, dashing out of the secret area.

"We gotta go! Run!!! We're gonna get trapped", I say, noticing the blades closing in on us.

We sprint around the blades, towards the exit, and I slip past a blade closing in.

"Go, go, go!!!"

Minho and I run through some blades, but Thomas gets trapped on the other side.

"Minho!!! Bella!!"

"Come on! Let's go!!"

Thomas dashes through a blade, and I catch him, as we keep running.

"Keep going! Keep going! Let's go!"

We finally make it through all the blades, when the ground around us starts to crack.

The ground in front of us opens up, making my eyes widen.

A bridge above starts to come down, making me grab both of them and drag them along. We continue running, as the ground behind us starts to crack and break open.

"Come on, guys!! Don't look back", I yell.

We finally make it to the door to get out, but I notice it closing in.

"Come on!!"

I quickly climb on top of it, sliding through it and hitting the ground on the other side.

I stand up, as Minho also slides through.

I grab Thomas's hand, pulling him out, as the door closes behind him.

"Oh, shit", Thomas sighs, as I lean against the wall, taking deep breaths.

We made it out alive... and we might've found the way out...


Especially after everything just happened to us in there.

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