long time no see ( preview)

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"Thanks" I said after the man helped me feel better

"No problem I'm Lou what's your name"


"Well let me take you to the Town nearby to get you better clothes and maybe you can stay there you're not living in the forest"

"Ok"I said not realizing that he meant Phoenix drop until we got into the town 'oh no' I thought

"Hay Lou " aph said

Hay aph this is Tyler can she stay for a little"


"H-hay aphmau l-long time no see"

Hat guys long time no see sorry this is just a preview of the next chapter the next chapter is going to be long because I need to make up for not posting and I'm sorry about not posting I have had school work to do and family to see but hopefully the next chapter should be coming out soon sorry and bye
Love you


lost sister (minecraft Diaries boys × reader) *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now