knights of shadows

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"that was amazing y/n you rely are" Laurence said "thanks though i thout of it vary depressing i said no it's know you can tell me anything rite Laurence asked "ya it's gest that i had a bad life" "you too try me my life is way wors thin your's" he said "OK..i was  born without a father and am used for magic by my father after my mother died, at the age of 14 i ran away only to be kidnapped by shadow knights and terned into one i ran away from the 'hell hole' i called it at 17 only to be stold to my father he locked me up and tock some of my pawores the only reseon i am here now is because i tricked my garid to fall in love with me when i got out i relised that my brother Travis lift so i sald the sea inteil a storm came and nocked me unconssecece, and now i am here"" i said ' how you going to beat that" i said

" hm will i was born to parents that didn't want me so thay droped me off at the orphanage ang i go adoptrd and got serster I became the head guard and a very good flirt then one day aphmau came and I came with her to her Village I got attacked and kidnapped by the shadow Knights why were you got me out but died shortly after and I became live then aphmau put a Irene statue out and I be able to see ever since and have been a guard to her ever since we went to the Irene dimension for 15 years and came back but everything's fine now and done that's how you beat someones life story" Laurence said

"Wow it's good to know I don't have the only messed up life" I said looking into his blue eyes "yeah" Laurence said looking into my green eyes very slowly got closer until I can feel his breath then he closed the Gap by kissing me very short but sweet "it's getting late we should probably head back" Laurence  said "yeah see you later" I said "yep see you a round" Laurence said

This tock a a few  days  but yay done a chapter  hope you like it

~ author~chan

lost sister (minecraft Diaries boys × reader) *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now