Chapter 9

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Three days later, the group left the cave and headed off in a  north-east direction. Due to a great deal of cajoling and pleading and  fighting on Jae-Ha's part, Seoyun and Sho were traveling along with  them. Jae-Ha wasn't about to let Seoyun traipse across the country on  her own, especially with people from the Green Dragon Village after  them. He seriously doubted that they would leave them alone when there  were two green dragons in the world now and one was a mere baby. So he  had argued with Seoyun until she had finally given in and agreed to come  with them.

Since Seoyun was still recovering from her illness and  injuries, Zeno had volunteered to carry Sho for her. Actually Jae-Ha  had been the first to offer to carry Sho, but Seoyun had gotten stubborn  again. Zeno had stepped in and swiped the baby before another argument  could start, and the yellow dragon's cheerful yet determined demeanor  had won out.

To help Seoyun get around with her injured ankle,  Kija had yanked a young tree out of the ground and Hak had turned it  into a walking staff. She was hobbling along between Yona and Yoon, her  eyes constantly flicking to Zeno and Sho. The baby was strapped to  Zeno's back in a sling that Yoon had created. It was obvious that Seoyun  wanted to be the one carrying him, but she just wasn't strong enough  yet.

"Baby Ryoku, Baby Ryoku, oh little green foot baby." Zeno was  singing, making the tune up as he went along. Sho seemed to be enjoying  it as much as a newborn could, which meant he was staring around with  wide dark purple eyes, taking everything in.

"He's so cute," Yona said with a smile, "I've never really been around little babies before."

"He certainly likes you, seeing how he almost never cries when you hold him," Seoyun said, "So you must be a natural."

"That's probably because all dragons like Yona," Yoon said.

Yona shot Yoon a half-frown, half-pout combination. "It could be because I'm a natural with babies..."

"Or that," Yoon said, thought his expression said he didn't really believe it.

Jae-Ha  was at the back of the group, bringing up the rear and keeping pace  with Hak. Kija and Shin-Ah were at the front, making a way through the  forest.

"So," Hak said quietly, "When are you going to tell Yona and Yoon."

Jae-Ha  glanced at Hak but didn't say anything. He knew he needed to do it  soon. Honestly, he didn't feel much weaker or anything, but one day it  would be noticeable, and the two of them needed to be prepared for that.

"Seoyun  may do it on accident before you get the chance, unless you've told her  that they don't know," Hak added, giving him a meaningful look.

"I  will," Jae-Ha said, "I'll tell her tonight, and then I'll tell them  when we reach the next village." That seemed like a reasonable thing to  do, and that would give him a few days to think about how to break it to  them. Hopefully they would just...accept it. There wasn't anything they  could do, though he had a feeling that both of them would make it their  quest to figure out a way to fix it. Honestly, that was impossible. The  Ryokuryuu heir had been born, and that meant his time was limited.  Luckily, the Green Dragon blood seemed to last quite a while. Maybe he  had another five or ten years ahead of him. It seemed like that should  be enough time to get his affairs in order, but the idea of leaving them  all behind—

"Hey, Droopy-Eyes. Don't drift off."

Jae-Ha let Hak's voice yank him out of his spiraling thoughts. "Why, if you wanted me to keep talking, you could just ask, Hak."

The  Thunder Beast just looked at him instead of engaging in verbal  sparring, so Jae-Ha could tell he wanted to keep this serious. "I'm  going to tell them."

"At the next village."

"Yes. Then. Not now."

Hak  watched him for a long moment, and Jae-Ha stretched his arms. "I think  I'm going to jump ahead and make sure the road is clear," he said,  talking louder so everyone could hear him, "Does anyone want to go  with?"

"I will," Yoon said, turning around, determination in his eyes.

"Zeno  will go too!" the yellow dragon said, starting to head back toward  Jae-Ha, but Kija whipped around and caught him by the shoulder.

"You are not going to go flying off with the baby!" Kija said.

"Baby Ryoku would like it," Zeno said, unapologetic.

"I'd rather he stay on the ground," Seoyun said, stepping toward Zeno, her green eyes wide.

Jae-Ha  shifted his weight, crossing his arms over his chest. He wouldn't have  taken the baby without her permission, and besides, Zeno had been  kidding around. But she was still new to the group, so she probably  didn't realize that.

"Ah, poor Baby Ryoku, we'll go flying later when your mother says it's all right," Zeno said, tossing Seoyun a grin.

"All right, Yoon, are you still coming?" Jae-Ha said, looking at the boy.

He  headed over, and a moment later, they were soaring through the sky,  over the tree tops and toward the hills in the distance. Yoon was  holding on tight, but he was much more at ease jumping like this than he  had been a few months ago. Actually, besides Yona, Yoon was the one  that Jae-Ha carried around like this the most. Granted, the others  besides Zeno were basically too big, though they still managed it from  time to time.

"You've been quiet," Yoon's voice said directly into his ear, loud enough to be heard over the rushing wind.

"That's a rare accusation," Jae-Ha teased.

"I  mean you're not as talkative as usual," Yoon said, "You've been  different since we went to find Sho and Seoyun. What's wrong?"

"I think you're seeing something that's not there," Jae-Ha said gently, not wanting to get into this discussion right now.

Yoon's arms tightened a little around his chest. "Do you not like the baby?"

"That's not it," Jae-Ha said, tacking a sigh onto the end like a period. "I like him quite a bit."

"You don't hold him very much..."

"Hak, Shin-Ah, and Kija haven't held him much either," Jae-Ha retorted, "It's not just me."

"They're not a Green Dragon like he is," Yoon said.

Sometimes  their Pretty Boy Genius was a little too smart for his own good. Jae-Ha  glanced over his shoulder at Yoon as they soared beneath the bright  blue sky. "Seoyun doesn't want me to hold him."

"Why not? She  doesn't seem to mind when me or Zeno or Yona hold him," Yoon said, "And  you saved both of them in the woods when we met them. Shouldn't she  trust you the most?"


Jae-Ha was looking forward again, but he could imagine the put-out expression on Yoon's face.

"Yeah, I'm not buying that. What's the real story?"

"How about I promise to tell you soon and you promise to stop asking about it, hmm?" Jae-Ha said with a tense little smile.

Yoon was quiet for a long time. "Fiiiiine."

Good, Jae-Ha could put it off a little longer. Now he just had to hope that Yona wouldn't start asking questions, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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