sorry to your friends

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I woke up got out of my bed get dressed with my teeth my shoes on brush my hair grab my backpack when out the door as my friend I took my friend do you want to meet up at my house he said yes I walk to school we put up a stuck my phone in my pocket what in the classroom get my phone out without the teacher working text him than I said hi than my sister said hi I thought I was talking to my sister but I was talking to my friend and then it was time to go home I asked him doing the walk me home and he said no I said okay when I get home I'll text him than then after that I went downstairs and eat I told him I'll be back and when I get back my sister was on my tablet then I smacked her then that I loaded him that was thrown at my sister I punched. Her than he said stop text me now what is that texting then you deleted me then I went up stairs and I was crying texting him say sorry bye

At the end of at the end of the day of school saw my friend my best friend ever have a nice day bestie never give up don't let your friend give up.

Never be a hater if you are you,re gonna lose all of your friends but I don't want that to happen to an of you you all are my friends

Never be a hater if you are you,re gonna lose all of your friends but I don't want that to happen to an of you you all are my friends

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I love. My bog as a. Friend and as a little brother
He's the best friend I. Every had

This is a friendship never going to stop being friends ever again if they get in a fight  they are still BFF 👥

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This is a friendship never going to stop being friends ever again if they get in a fight  they are still BFF 👥.  

Every time he gives girl money he make. Friends.  

This is friend ship  than say nice things to each other

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This is friend ship  than say nice things to each other.  

He so cute you can't say no to

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He so cute you can't say no to. Him he's like your friend and your brother to you. Hi. Just a little bady

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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