Chapter 7

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A toxic relationship , a relationship everyone knows wouldn't work . Now a child has to come in between two people who have a toxic desire for each other .


Relationships aren't all hugs , cuddles and kisses there's a twist to that . Arguments , hateful worlds that are put regret at the end . Things that should be kept to yourself ....forever .

Alondra smoky , probably the rudest ignorant person till ever meet . She has a bad attitude thinks whatever she says should be done .

3:12 pm Saturday

I was getting ready for a peaceful walk , but that was interrupted when an old friend stopped by .  I started at the opened window as she walked up the steps , reaching the door bell . Ding , ding , ding , ding .
I made my way towards the door unlocking it revealing alondra one of cams mistress , an old friend , irritating bi.tch .
"Hey babe !" Her annoying squeaky voice echoed through the house .
"Hey there." A weak annoyed reply , she deserves it I dislike her .
"I've heard news about you , you know small town everything gets around !" She giggled-snort if that's a thing she does that .
"Small town ! I know what wonderful things have you heard ?" Sarcasm , helps in a beautiful way .
"That you're pregnant ! Cams kid right ? " she pouted at me giggling . b.itch i would've dragged her but I have too keep chill .
"Yes , yes isn't that amazing ! Little bundle of joy !" A confident smile plastered across my face probably driving her insane . But I could care less about this wh.ore .
" oh my ! Ha ha didn't realize , but if you two have no love for each other not even the finest bit why have a child ? Bring it into a world where the parents hate each other ?! Why won't you take my advice like everyone does and abort the kid while you can !" The smirk she had made me want to smack her shitty make up off and really drag her across the floor .
" you know what ?! I'm not like everybody else ! I don't take advice from a fake plastic b.itch who sleeps around with men when ever she feels a tingle !" I yelled slamming the door on this psychotic whit he . Abortion ? No thank you once a life always a life .


5:45 pm Saturday

The front door opened revealing Cameron , great speak of the devil .

"Hey Meg how are you ?" He asked politely . Still not going to bother .

" I'm great ! How are you ?" I asked sweetly annoyed looking up from my book .
" fine " all he said , good because I wasn't planning on having a conversation until some thing Popped  in  my head .

"Guess who came over " i placed my book on the coffee table and looking straight at him .
"Who ?" He asked curious .
"Alondra " I smiled
"Alondra ?" He asked
"Yeah alondra , she came by wondering if your kid was your kid " I smiled .
"What ? Why ?" He asked taking a seat across me .
"I don't know , i thought you knew her well " Sarcasm .
"Stop , I hate when you're sarcastic just tell me what she wanted " he glared .
" well she told me to get an abortion" I smiled . Trying not to shed a tear in front of someone who wouldn't care . 
Cam looked surprised and looked at me for a good 5 seconds . " Abortion ? Why would she say that ?"
"Because she won't be able to f.uck yoh when she wants " I smiled getting up and walking to the kitchen .
"Are you really going to start ? , I did nothing to you . Nothing !" Cameron yelled scaring me at first .
"No you didn't do nothing you've done everything !" I yelled back .
"You know if I can't come here without having an argument why do I even bother " he said as I heard the front door slam close .
Great Megan you pushed his buttons now he's gone again . Just great , gosh why am I like this ? I have no limit .


I am so sorry I haven't been updating any of my stories ! I well try to update more , and at least try

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I am so sorry I haven't been updating any of my stories ! I well try to update more , and at least try . But here ya go short chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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