What Frightens You About Them {1}

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   ◇ Joker ◇

  There were many things that frightened you about being with THE Joker himself. With J, it was sometimes unpredictable about what kind of a mood he was in. There were times when he would be all close and protective over you, but then there were other times when he wanted to just be alone.
  When he wanted to be alone, you GAVE him time to be alone. Normally, that happened as a result of a job that went bad or Batman not showing up. I don't know what the deal was with J in having Batman always present, but I never asked.

  Another thing that frightened you was the laugh. It seemed like every time you heard it, it had gotten worse than the previous one. Sometimes, it would cause you to randomly jump around J.
When you did jump, J would just chuckle and smirk at you. You had a feeling that J knew that his laugh frightened you, but he may use it now to scare you on purpose. That you weren't looking forward to; especially since you could be scared very easily.

   ♡ Rick Flag ♡

  Honestly, you were afraid of everything about Rick. His whole background and excellent combat skills made it hard for you to even flinch without him knowing.
  Rick was a talented man, yet a good one at that. You, on the other hand, weren't always on the right side of the law. You had spent quite some time in Arkham Asylum ,and when you got lucky, Batman would pay you a visit. Now, Batman wouldn't beat information out of you, but he would pressure you about trying to change. About it not being too late to choose the right side.

  When you were brought over, along with the other members of the Suicide Squad, Rick and you immediately clashed.
  However, the two of you did learn to work past your differences and have each other's backs. Maybe that was why Rick had asked you to be his girlfriend a while back, so he could help you help yourself.

  For example, when Rick walked into the room and told you he would send you back to Arkham, you fell on the floor immediately.

  You rolled under the sofa, and Rick laughed saying,"Y/N, I was joking, baby. It was a joke."

  Two could play that game, Flag. Two could play that game.

  Immediately, you let out a piercing scream and pretended to break into loud sobs.

  Rick got down on the floor immediately and said,"Y/N, I..I'm so sorry. I would never mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to. Okay. Okay. I'll cuddle with you."

  You crawled out from under the sofa and pretended to wipe your tears, as Rick led you up the stairs.

   ♡ El Diablo ♡

  What frightened you about El was his ability to control flames. You were the paranoid type that always thought something could go wrong.
  When El and you first got together, you would make El put on gloves and stand a good distance away from him. Even when the two of you kissed, you were afraid to hold his hands too tightly. You were afraid he would fry your hands.

  Every time you did this, El would only be respectful and wear the gloves. You were sure he grew irritated of them, but eventually, your fear went away.

  As you stood in the kitchen making dinner, El jogged down the stairs and you asked him,"Hey, honey, can you watch this for me?"

  You were referring to the meat that was cooking on the stove before El nodded. He walked past you and stood right in front of the stove.
  You began to make some fries to go with the meat, but you ended up burning yourself from the hot grease.

  You shrieked in pain, and El said,"Step away from the stove, Y/N. Let me see your hand."

  You showed El your hand, and he held up his hands, which made you scream.

  El sighed and said,"Y/N, I'm not going to hurt you. I thought we were through with this. Look, nothing's coming out of my hand."

  You looked at El's hand, and there were no flames to be seen. You apologized. El looked at your hand. He placed a kiss on it and held it under some water, then you thanked him.

  He asked you,"Why are you so afraid of what I can do?"

  You admitted to El,"Because my friends were killed by flames, after a run in with Anarky. I'm just afraid I'll be next, you know?"

  El looked you in the eyes and took your hands in his own saying,"There's no need to be afraid, Y/N. I'll take care of you. I promise. I would never intentionally do anything to harm you. Please don't be afraid of me, okay?"

  You nodded and hugged El, then he helped you finish your dinner.

   ♤ Harley Quinn ♤

  You were afraid of how unpredictable she was, due to how insane she was. You and Harley had been together for a few years, but somethings she did really had you fearful of your own life.
  You could recall a few times when the two of you went out, and Harley completely lost it. It could be over something as simple as someone giving you a flirtatious look; especially if Harley had been in a bad mood that day.

  At the end of the day, Harley Quinn was Harley Quinn and there wasn't much that changed that woman's mind. When you felt like Harley was about to do something completely insane, you would just pull her in for a hug and tell her how much you loved her. If that didn't work, then you would pray for those that were in Harley's pathway.

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