what are we doing to ourselves

816 21 5

chilli pov:

so me and ti have been having this little thing going on for a while I think I am seriously starting to fall for ti all over again just like we were before I started dating usher now im gonna be stuck between the two of them because usher keeps apologizing to me but I dont know because I really cant forgive him for doing what he did I dont know what to do but while ti is here we are gonna do what we have been doing for the past 2 months and that is enjoying each other im gonna get outta here and........ tionne: babe come on I believe we were having a romantic dinner. chilli: TIONNE GET OUT OF MY POV BEFORE I BACK HAND YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!!!! and yes im coming let me finish talking to the people. like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted im torn between two people I love very much.

  tionne:ok so where were we? ummm would you rather kiss an alligator or live in a cage with 10 hungry lions

chilli: definitely kiss an alligator because I can just tape its mouth shut then kiss it

  tionne: nice choice, ok so now that we are here I wanna talk to you about something important.

chilli: ok what is it??

tionne: you know your only 1 month away from your due date. and I was thinking if your gonna bring usher into the baby's life?? because if he is here then I cant be its going to be to much and to complicated I dont know because I dont want you to be confused.

chilli: is that why you wanted to do all this tonight huh so that you can make me choose between the father of my child and the woman I love really ti??

tionne: look chilli its either me or him I just dont wabt you to be confused going back and forth between him and me I dont

chilli: tionne!! i dont know ok. look im tired and I dont need this 8 months into my pregancy now its either we clean up and go to bed or you be stubborn stay down here by yourself and sleep in the guest room for the next month.

tionne: I guess I choose door number 1 but we are not done talking about this we are just done talking about it for tonight now come on I wanna cuddle wit my boo bear

chilli: I mean guess haha tee hee.

   *in their room* (the middle of the night)

chilli: ti wake up

tionne: uggghhhhhhhhh rozonda ocelean thomas what do you want!!!! im trying to sleep!!!!!

chilli: I just had a dream and im thinking about it just being me and you

tionne: mmhhhmmm I think thats great

chilli: C'mon I jusy said I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and this is how you respond

tionne: *pulls chilli close to her so that she can wrap her arms around*  I heard you honey I just cant wait for this baby to be born so that I can have this body again. cuz lord knows the next time we do it, its gonna be a night to remember imma set it up realll nice for you baby

chilli: why would you say that now you got me feeling some type of way

tionne: ooo really wow mhhhmmm now you cant tell me that now go to sleep you got a doctors appointment in the morning (they had finally fell asleep when the phone started ringing)

girl I know you wanna be my main chick my main chick I said f*ck whoever you came with who you came with.

  tionne: hello

lisa:hey ti please come get me sean he is going crazy he is trying to kill me please help me ti please before he gets me

                     * hangs up*


chilli: *sleepy voice* whats wrong with her babe

tionne: (thinking:oooo she sound so sexy right now) no dont talk dont say anything you turnin me on ok dont say nothing just lets go!!!!!

                      *lisa's house*

tionne pov: we get to lisa's house and her front door is hanging off the hinges her bedroom door is completely off  there is glass everywhere and she is nowhere to be found

tionne: lisa.......lisa.......lisa.......lisa where are you

chilli: *still have her sleepy voice* lili hun where are you boo


chilli: im sorry ti but its not my fault I sound like this

tionne: ROZONDA OCELEAN THOMAS SHUT THE HELL UP AND STOP FREAKING TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU JUST NOT GETTING THAT YOU MAKIN ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY!!!!! ok now lets look all over the house for lisa ill go to the home studio

chilli: im gonna check upstairs

tionne: ok go

   chilli pov:

   so I was upstairs in lisa's little sisters bedroom and I was checking everything I opened the closet and sawwww oh my gosh lisa was tied up on the floor with a black eye and a broken nose that had blood coming out of it


tionne: whats u........ no lisa COME ON WE GOTTA GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!! NOW!!

                   at the hospital

doctor:family of lisa nicole lopes

tionne, chilli, lisa's brother, sisyer, and mom: Yes

doctor:ok I have good news and bad news the good news is that she is still alive the bad news is that she went into a coma and we dont know when she is gonna come out of it

EB: starts crying even more

tionne: you cant do anything for her try something

doctor: unfortunately no im sorry you can go see her if you want to

        in the room

chilli: li I know you cant hear me but I just wanted to say that everybody here loves you your whole family is here for you and poor ti she cant stop crying im trying to stay strong for her but trust and believe you found dalvin for her so we are gonna find sean, ( starts sobbing) I just hope you wake up soon and that your ok where ever you are in that coma.  *tionne comes up and hugs chilli's waist from behind and kissed her neck to let her know that she is here for her*

     ok so thats it for now give me feedback


im going to try and update everyday

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