chapter 2 ~packing~

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chapter 2

Right after I texted everyone and told them I was moving, I decided I should go take a shower. I walk in to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

God why am I so ugly? I say as I stare at myself. I sadly look away and turn on the shower. Once the shower was on I strip down to nothing and step into the shower. I just stood there for what felt like hours. Finally I reach for my shampoo and message it in to my hair and scalp. Soon after I grab my conditioner and do the same thing. I go and grab my body wash and scrub my body. While my conditioner soaked in my hair I shaved my legs, something I have to do every day now sense it's gotten warmer.

After I finished that I got out of the shower and dried myself off and rapped my towel around my body. I open my bathroom drawer to find a hair tie but as I was about to close the drawer and I spot something shine from the corner of my eye so I open the drawer a little more and I realize what sparkled was my "little friend". I guess you could call it that. I haven't touched that for like 3-4 weeks and I started to get all these thoughts again. I close the drawer with so much force I thought I thought it was going to brake. I've been doing so good I can't stop that now. Trying to get that off my mind I brush my teeth and wash my face and got dressed quickly. I walk quickly out of the bathroom and into my room. I log into my computer and go on to Tumblr to try and get my mind off things, but there wasn't anything good on it so I decided I wanted to go to bed. I walked over to my bed and climbing in and plugging my phone into the plug and cuddling into my covers. Soon after I was dreaming away.


(Next morning)

I wake up at 6:45 am (school doesn't start until 8:20) and I get my phone off its charger and start to read fanfics. Before I know it, it's almost 7:10. I rush out of my bed and into my bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, do my makeup, and my hair. I brush my teeth and face quickly. I grab my makeup bag and pull my foundation out. I only wear enough to cover up my pimples and redness. Then I grab my eyeliner and do a dark line on my bottom eyelid just above the eyelashes. I do that on both eyes and do a little wing on the top. Then I put a couple swipes of mascara on and I'm ready to move on to my hair. I just kind of straiten my top layer (yes I have layers in my hair) so my hair looks like puffy but strait. After that I walk out of the bathroom and into my room to get dressed. I look in my closet to find something, my eyes land on a sparkly red and solid blue and had the superman symbol on the front. I also pick out some black capris leggings, some black vans, and lastly a black magcon sweatshirt. That's right magcon I went but I didn't get to meet any of the boys. Anyways I walk out of my room and to my kitchen to get an apple to eat on the way to the bus stop. I walk over to my mom and give her a big hug;

*morning mom*

*good morning, baby* she says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I walk out my door, down my step, and onto my street up to the bus stop. Once I get to the bus stop I take out my phone and text shannan.

To: queen shann👑


Sup bich

(^queen shann👑^)

About to get on the bus hbu

About to get off my bus gtg c u soon

(^queen shann👑^)

I read her message and then locked my phone. Soon enough my bus pulled up to my school. I get off my bus and head to my locker and unpack my backpack. I pick up my stuff for first and second period and head to homeroom.



I usually don't bring a lunch I just eat here and there. I sit and wait at the table for Shannan, Sam, and Izzy. I see Sam walking over to the table from the distance. And buy the time Sam reaches the table I see Shannan walking close and soon Izzy. When Shannan reaches the table she gives me a hug and says;

*I'll miss you so much*

*I'll miss you to* I say as a tear runs down my cheek. We release from our hug and sit down.

*Dani why are you moving* says Izzy

*because my mom got a new job offer down in north Carolina and my dad thought it would be a good idea that I just start fresh with everything for 8th grade*

*please take me with you* says Shannan I look over at Sam and I see how sad she looks.

*Sam are you ok*

*no, I can't believe your leaving me after all we've been through*

*it's not my choice and it's not like I won't see you. I'll be up here all the time and my parents said I can have you guys come down for part of the summer if you want to. And can we please change the subject. I only have a short time with you guys before I won't see you every day* I say as I look down at my lap and play with my fingers about to cry.

*one question before we change the subject, what part of north Carolina are you moving to* says Izzy

*honestly I don't know. All I know is that I'm moving to North Carolina*


*if you meet Hayes Grier I better be the first person you call* said Shannan

*ok will do* saying laughing so hard. Shannan's so obsessed with Hayes it's not even funny.

Before we know it it's time to go back to class.


(Walking home)

Sense we are moving my mom is taking half days at work to get the packing done faster. I walk in the door and see my mom packing up the pictures.

*hi mom*

*hey, how was your day at school*


*that's good, do you have any homework*

*no, where's daddy*

*he's in the garage packing stuff sense he's heading down to night with the camper and anything else he can so me and you can just take a couple last boxes and the dogs. And I want you to start packing up your room, ok*

*ok mom* I say heading to my room. Boxes have already been piled into my room. I pack up pretty much everything but just enough cloths to wear for the next couple days some other every day stuff. With that my dad comes in;

*do you have everything packed*

*yea, it's already*

My dad takes all the boxes down to his truck and its surprising they all fit in his truck. When he comes back up to the house and says;

*goodbye, I'll see you in a couple days. I'll put all the boxes into the right rooms and I'll start painting*

*ok, honey but don't forget to call me when you get there*

*ok* my parents kiss good bye and my dad heads out the door. That's the last time I'll see him for a couple of days.

Authors note

this is the longest chapter so far but it sums up every thing so they actually end up in north Carolina in the next chapter. please tell your friend to read this, thank you. and I need a good cover for my story so if you can make one and send it to me and if I like it I'll make it the book cover.

thank you,


instagram~ daniestyles

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