chapter 3 ~the move & new people~

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chapter 3

After my dad left I decided I should go to bed sense I will have a lot of packing at school. I walk into my room and over to my pile of cloths to find some pajamas. I find some Nike shorts and my color run t-shirt. I put them on and head over to my bed. I climb in and get all snuggly in my warm covers. And soon I drifted off to sleep.


(Danielle's last day)

I wake up at normal time and head to the bathroom to do my makeup, wash my face, brush my teeth, and do my hair. I do my makeup normally, I decided to do my hair a little different sense it's my last day. I straiten my hair so its pin strait and then I put a waterfall braid. After I'm done with that I walk out of the bathroom and back into my room. I go over to my closet and pick out a nice white blouse with a blue tank top underneath it and nice black shorts. After I put on my cloths I walk over to get my sweet pea body spray. I kind of can't wait to move just so I can organize some of my stuff because right now it looks like a bomb went off in my room. I walk out of my room to the kitchen to grab a breakfast bar. I didn't see my mom I guess she's still asleep sense she has to finish packing and load up the car so right when I get home I can we can leave. I start to walk up to my bus and wait, just I got so many people to talk to *note the sarcasm* honestly there is only one other person at the bus stop and it's a 6th grade boy named Ryan. I was awoken from my day dream by the bus pulling up. My last bus ride to school. I walk to my seat and sit down and look out the window until we get the school. The bus soon pulls up to the school doors and I get out and head to my locker and do my normal every day routine and head to homeroom.



So far I've packed almost everything, except for my last period things. Walk into the cafeteria and automatically see Sam and Shannan at the table waiting for me. I finally make my way over to the table and we all join into a group hug. I'm going to miss them so much, it's not even funny. We finally release from our group hug and sit at the table.

*so sense it's my last day I don't want any fighting and I want you to pretend I'm not moving it will make this so much easier.* I say

*but I'll miss you too much* said Shannan

*I know but I'll see you in like two weeks and we be together for most of the summer*

*I know but it's just hard to picture life at school without you*

*I know* I say as a tear runs down my face

We talk for what felt like forever and I liked it like that but sadly now it's time to go back to class.


(Going home)

As I get off my bus I start to walk home. Soon enough im home and I see my mom standing in the drive way waiting for me to get into the car.

*hi mom*

*hi, why do you sound all depressed?*

*because I want to leave but at the same time I don't*

*I know but just remember it's for the best* I say as I get in the front of the car. I look in the back to see both my dogs hanging their heads out the window. Before I know it my mom is heading down the road. I plug I my head phones to my iPod and listen to buck wild by Taylor Caniff and close my eyes. And before I know it im dreaming of a place I can escape to.



When I wake up its dark and my iPod dyed. I look over to my mom who is focusing on the road and I say;

*when will we be there?*

*in about 20 minutes*


I stare out the window and I see us pull up to this beautiful big house and yard. This can't be our new house but it is. I see my dad's truck parked in the driveway. After my mom parks the car I help take the dogs out of the car and into the house. When we walk into the house and my mom turns on the light I swear im dreaming because it's so beautiful.

*I know your tired baby you should just go up to your bed and relax, ok*


I walk up the stairs to a door that has my name on it. I open it to see pretty much my dream room. It was painted pink on the top and grey on the bottom, and with a chair rail. It also had a balcony and double French doors and it was loft like. And did I mention it was almost twice the size of my old room. Anyway I walk over to my already made bed and climb in.


(Next morning)

When I wake up I hear voices coming from downstairs and it's not my mom and dad because they sound like two girl voices. But I don't go downstairs instead I start unpacking all the boxes in my new room. I really love my room so much. I start with my first box and it was picture of everyone I care about the most. I put them on a shelve that was hanging in my room. After I did that I got to my cloths box, I started to hang all my cloths in my closet. When I was done hang up all my cloths it was almost 2 o'clock, wow I never realized I had so much cloths. I walk down stairs to find my mom almost done unpacking the kitchen.

*hey mom* I say hoping up on the counter

*hi baby girl, how did you sleep*

*good* I say as I just sit there, then my mom says

*about 4 we are going to go over my new friend Elizabeth's house for dinner ok and she has a son your age*

*ok, I'll be ready* I say walking up to my room to finish unpacking


(About 4 o'clock)

We were getting ready to leave our new house to go to my parents new friends house which was only 3 doors down. When we finally arrive I very beautiful woman opens the door which I guess is Elisabeth. She leads us to the kitchen and she says when we get there;

*Danielle my youngest son is in the living playing video games if you want to go talk to him*

*ok, thank you* I say as I walk into there living room and I see I never expected to see ever, Hayes Grier. I knew Elisabeth look familiar.

Authors note

this chapter is horrible Ik but I'm getting to were nash is in it but u have to be patient. In this chapter I introduced Elizabeth and hayes. They are very important. Please keep that in mind.

thank you,


instagram~ daniestyles

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