Pink Lake- 02

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Pink Lake, also known as Spencer lake is a lake in the region of Western Australia. The distinctive color of the water changes as a result of green alga , Halobacteria cutirubrum, and/or high concentration of brine prawn. Once the lake water reaches a salinity level greater than that of sea water, the temperature is high enough and adequate light conditions are provided, the alga begins to accumulate the red pigment beta carotene. The pink halobacterium grow in the salt crust at the bottom of the lake. 

Too much science there I know. But hey, you could really get some cool pictures there and whats more fun than a picnic on the beach of a water body which is pink in color?

Also, the lake has very rarely been pink in the last decade, so you better go visit that place before it completely stops being pink.

Cool fact- You take the water of this lake in a glass and it's crystal clear, there is no pink which is hence a proof that the pink color is due to the algae only.

Happy new year guysss!
Have a great 2018!
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