Chapter 2

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Throughout the entire school day, people were staring at me and whispering to their friends whenever I would walk by, it became rather annoying after third period. Eager to see my friends and eat some food as I was quickly throwing my books into my locker I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see a grooupd of people around my age, nervously tucking my hair behind my ear, I said a small 'hi' to them. They all stared for a second then started laughing simultaneously, which was really creepy;

"Who gave you permission to talk to us?" Said a guy in the front with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, "Just because you are getting so much attention from the news doesn't mean that we hang out with attention seekers like you." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Umm, okay then," I said in a small voice, "you guys were the ones that approached me in the first place anyways." I turned and began to walk away till a hand roughly grabbed my elbow puling me back to face them. 

"Who said you could leave?" The guy asked again.

"Apparently the same person who said I couldn't talk to you." I I retorted

He lifted his eyebrow like he  was amused, "Well, we just decided that it would be important to tell you that we don't care about what happened to you because you probably just got drunk and passed out in the sand for a couple days." He said waving his hand dramatically, "The news channels should pay attention to more exciting and gripping stories like our school elections and how its obvious that I am going to win, the other candidates are stupid." He dismissed walking away. Just as I was about to take a breath, he spun on his heel and pointed at me, "Don't you ever think about trying to get attention like this again, its mine." 

After they left I gave myself a couple minutes to calm down and straighten myself out because I looked like a mess. I practiced my fake smile and went to greet my friends. 

"Hey look who finally decided to show!" Jax screamed when he saw me

"Yeah I had to see you beautiful face sometime today" I said sarcastically back

"I know, Its so hard not being able to see this all the time." He said feeling his face

"Don't worry bro, its a good thing we are identical twins, you can look at me anytime you feel like looking at something beautiful." Brax joked. 

"Guys, we know you're beautiful, but we have important things to discuss!" Darcy yelled pushing her long blonde hair out of her face, "WINTER BALL!" she yelled jumping up and down in her seat.

"RIGHT!! We gotta go shopping for a dress, shoes, and a date!" Yelled Brax excitedly, causing Cleo to elbow him in the stomach.

"Yup!" Darcy said, like none of that happened, "Our focus is on Jaelyn, we are gonna make you the hottest girl there!" she said "Lets ditch the rest of the day to get our dresses! We only have one day!" She exclaimed jumping out her seat, grabbing Cleo and I's arms and walked out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2014 ⏰

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