Chapter 5

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The barbecue was a complete success. The food was delicious, the company jovial and vibrant and best of all for Meera, Vidhya kept her word and never broached the subject of Suresh Menon again. Instead, the two cousins spent the evening with their families rehashing old stories and updating current news. Everyone stayed up well into the early hours of the morning, even little Haresh, who kept himself busy making colourful "works of art" for everybody.

The next day, everyone slept in until close to noon and then had "the best dim sum in town" for brunch. When they got home afterwards, Lakshmi and her sister retired to the TV room to watch one of their many Indian drama serials whilst their husbands decided to sit outside on the patio and enjoy a nice cup of tea. Haresh was left in the able hands of Nura as his parents joined Meera, Raj, Jayashree and Ravi in the kitchen where Meera had put on the espresso machine. She expertly served the coffee, double espresso for the men and cappuccino for Vidhya and herself. Jayashree opted for a glass of ice cold lime juice.

"I don't know how you can drink that in this weather," Jayashree said, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. "It's such a hot day today."

Meera promptly turned up the air-conditioning and settled herself at the kitchen table next to Raj.

"Thanks," said her sister gratefully.

"Guess what?" Raj said, looking at Meera. "I'm coming with you guys to KL tonight."

"What?!" Meera gasped in mock disbelief. "Are you saying that you will not be within Amma's grasp for the rest of your holidays?!"

Raj made a face at his sister. "Ha, ha! Very funny! For your information, I can do whatever I want!" He took a sip of his coffee and said softly under his breath, "Amma said I could go if I promised to come back by Sunday ..." He broke off as the rest of them burst out laughing.

Raj blushed as Jayashree managed to collect herself and say, "You'll stay with us of course. Meera's renting a room with Sudha's family but you can hardly stay there. And don't even think of staying with one of your weird friends. Amma would have a fit."

"Yes, and this way, Jaya will be able to keep an eye on you and report your every move to your mother," Ravi said, winking at his brother-in-law.

"Oh, don't take them seriously, Raj," said Will in amusement. "I had the very same problem with my mother. She was also very over-protective and naturally I was predictably labelled Mama's boy by just about everybody." He shook his head. "Can't blame them really. My mother used to drive me crazy trying to run my life!"

Raj nodded his head understandingly. "I know exactly what you mean! ... So when did it stop?"

Will gave him a quizzical look. "Stop? Oh, it has never stopped! Probably never will. She's still meddling in my life!"

Raj's look of horror made everyone start laughing again. He groaned in dismay. "I'm almost tempted to scrap the whole idea and stay put ... except for the fact that I would probably die of boredom in two days if I don't get out of here!"

"This is perfect!" said Vidhya. "Now we can all get together again in KL! I thought I'd have to say my goodbyes to Raj today." She smiled warmly at her cousin brother.

Raj grinned. "We'll paint the town red, huh, chechi?"

Vidhya nodded enthusiastically as her husband smiled at her affectionately. "I sometimes feel guilty for taking Vidhya so far away from all of you," he said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I'm just glad she gets to come over and spend some quality time with you guys now and then."

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